My child does not eat me!

Sometimes, our children do not eat as well as others. We moms care about lack of appetite, but if we learn to recognize some of its reasons we will be better able to deal with such situations.

There are children who eat better and others who are very picky about food. The real problem comes to light when our son completely refuses to eat, regardless of whether he likes what we have prepared for him or not or how long he has been without food.

When the child is incubating a cold or any illness, he usually has little appetite; In reality, the poor desire to eat in a child who usually eats well is one of the first symptoms of illness. The first thing we should do is make sure that our child is not sick: put the thermometer on and see if he shows any unusual symptoms: if he shows indifference or complaining, he easily gets irritated by small things or in general he is acting differently than usual. If the little one is fine and still refuses to eat for no obvious reason, the picture changes. The causes of lack of appetite are often varied: lack of physical exercise, active play, lack of sleep and rest, the fact that you eat irregularly between hours, some emotion such as a scare or an alarm or an incident, The simple desire to get attention.

Do not lose your temper. You have to be clear that when the child is hungry, he will eat. Be patient and think that it is no use getting angry, because if you lose your temper the food will end up feeling bad for everyone and you will not have achieved anything. Don't threaten him ("If you don't eat, mom will get very angry") or bribe him ("If you eat everything, I'll buy you ice cream"); Nor is it convenient for you to remove the dish within a period that you have set or beg him to eat. And most importantly: don't force him to eat by force.

Remember: check with your doctor whenever you have any questions.

Video: My Child Won't Eat: Diagnosing Pediatric Feeding Disorders (July 2024).