Recover from episiotomy

In vaginal births, episotomy is a frequent practice, especially in the first ones. It consists of making a cut in the perineum with the aim of expanding the hole of the vagina and vulva.

With this technique, tearing of the perineum at birth is prevented, which is much more complicated to heal than a cut that has been made with all precision.

While you are in the hospital, it is the nurses who are responsible for cleaning and monitoring the wound, but once at home, you must follow some hygienic measures that will help recover from episiotomy.

Wash the area with soap and water, or if you prefer, wash with water and salt, especially if there are signs of infection. Dry the area very well, but with small touches of towel and without rubbing, always from front to back to prevent the germs that are in the area of ​​the anus from reaching the vagina. Apply antiseptics, of course, that depends on whether you are not breastfeeding, so you can use povidone iodine. If instead you are breastfeeding, then the antiseptic should not contain iodine, for example, you can use transparent mercromine.

Always use cotton pads, packs that have plastic prevent perspiration and moisture does not suit a wound. In addition it is also better to use cotton panties and avoid tight clothing that compresses the area.

Something important is also to try to avoid constipation, since the tightness in the area can be aggravated. Try to prevent it with a diet rich in fiber.

Video: Caring for your perineum after the birth of your baby (July 2024).