The funny picture of a baby sleeping in the same position as he did in the womb

"I'm sure nobody changed my baby at birth" It is the funny phrase with which a mother shared two images of her sleeping baby on Reddit. On the one on the left, with 38 weeks of gestation, and on the one on the right, with three weeks of life. The funny thing is that the position he has been sleeping since he was born, with his arms raised, is the same in which I could already see it on an ultrasound when I was in the womb.

Sarah and her husband Ross say it is her son Michael's favorite position, although after having been born she had to sleep with a blue light device (called bililuces) to treat her jaundice, a very common condition in newborns.

The jaundice of the child was caused by unexplained hemolytic anemia. The lower the red blood cell count, the higher the bilirubin levels in the blood. This causes a yellowing of the skin and the sclera (white part of the eyes). To treat it, the newborn must be in direct contact with the blue light.

During the first month of life he needed a special device with phototherapy to treat his jaundice almost 24 hours, 7 days a week. "We couldn't hug him without him getting inside his monkey, we couldn't rub his back. I thought there was no way he could sleep with that, but he showed me he was wrong," says his mother.

From the first day they laid the baby on the device he immediately put his hands behind his head and fell asleep.

When they saw the ultrasound they had saved, their parents were surprised to discover that already in the belly he slept the same way: "My God! He sleeps like this now!" They thought.

The same chest posture

Not only does he adopt his relaxed posture to sleep; too likes to be placed in this way while breastfeeding. His mother calls him "the king of taking things easy" and it certainly seems so.

Today he is three months old, he is perfectly healthy after overcoming jaundice and his mother is anxiously waiting for him to start pronouncing his first words.

Does your baby have a favorite sleeping position?

Via | Babble
In Babies and more | Beautiful images of the newborn in the fetal position: that is how it was inside you

Video: Dreaming in the Womb - 33 Week Fetus (July 2024).