Having a dog at home and maintaining a close relationship with him is beneficial for your children.

Various studies and articles have proven us on previous occasions that having a pet at home can be beneficial for children's health. From reducing the risk of asthma, to supporting children with some special need, dogs in particular are a great companion for children.

In addition to those physical health benefits, a new study shows us that having a dog at home also brings positive things to children's emotional health. We tell you what it is about.

A recent study by Kent State University analyzed the effect it had on children to have a dog in their homes and maintain a close bond with them, with their relationship with other important people in their lives. To do this, 99 children participated, whose ages ranged from 9 to 11 years of age and who had a dog as a pet.

The children answered different questionnaires, in which they were asked about the relationship with their dogs, their parents and their friends. It was found that those children who felt closer to their dogs, also felt safer and more attached to their parents, and also had better ties with their best friends.

The study found that this was because, having a strong relationship (whether with their pets or their parents and friends) made it very likely that their other relationships were too. So in general, the children who had strong ties with their dogs, also had them with their family and best friends.

In addition, they found that those children who had greater physical contact with their dogs, had a better relationship with their mothers, although not necessarily with their parents or their friends.

While the study researchers do not know with certainty the reason or the reason for all this to happen, they do have some theories. On the one hand, It is believed that caring for a pet makes children feel closer to the important people in their lives, or that the relationship with these people helps them shape how they should treat their pets.

Another possible reason is that the Having a positive experience with your pet, drives them to be more cooperative with their parents, and this experience with them, drives them to be closer with their pets.

In addition, in another study conducted by the same researchers and the same children, it was found that being accompanied by their pets, they felt more relaxed and calm during stressful events or situations.

Definitely having a pet, in this case a dog, not only brings benefits to the physical health of children, but also to the emotional one, being a great friend and life partner.

Photos | Pexels
Via | Washington Post
In Babies and more | Why it is good for children's health to have dogs and cats at home, Babies who live with dogs have a lower risk of developing asthma

Video: The Power of a Pet. Rustin Moore. TEDxOhioStateUniversity (July 2024).