Before the kidnapping attempts in schools: what precautions to take

In recent days a wave of several complaints about kidnapping attempts. Specifically, two have taken place in Las Rozas, one in Pinto and a room in the Salamanca district that is being investigated. In addition, a fifth case occurred in December 2017 in the Xanadú shopping center. All minors are between 11 and 14 years old and although there are no detainees, the Civil Guard considers that these are cases that do not have any type of connection, and do not rule out any hypothesis.

Although this can cause many parents to be scared, both the National Police and the schools are already taking appropriate measures. We are also going to offer you a series of recommendations so that both you and your children know how to act to prevent certain unpleasant situations. Of course, remember that first of all you have to keep calm, always confirm that it is not a hoax and then implement these practical tips.

The Government delegate in Madrid, Concepción Dancausa, has already informed that the Forces and State Security Bodies reinforce their surveillance patrols in Madrid schools both at the time of departure and class entry.

What precautions to take when leaving schools

Recommendations of the Local Police of Pinto
  • Accompany your child to the door of the school and pick him up in the same place. Do not stay with him outside the school grounds.

  • If the child goes home alone, he must be taught to always seek to be accompanied by other children upon leaving school. Surely at least part of the way can be done in company.

  • If you are not going to be the usual person who will pick you up, make it clear to both your son and the school who will be that adult who will look for him.

  • Teach him to distrust. Under no circumstances should be fooled by candies, toys or other tricks that can be used with it. No means no.

  • If your child still does not go home alone, and for any reason you are late, let him know that under no circumstances leave the school. It is certainly the safest place for him.

  • Teach him that he should never get into a stranger's car.

  • In children who attend secondary school, it may be time to have a mobile device that allows you to be in contact with possible delays or problems. In addition, it would be convenient to keep the location activated.

  • It is convenient Know your full name, address, phone number and name of your parents so that in case of problems you can come asking for help and identify yourself. If on the contrary it is still small to learn it, you can wear an identification bracelet.

  • Agree with your child a emergency action protocol. For example, if it is lost to set a meeting point or if you have problems, tell them to go to a police officer.

  • If your child is too young it is convenient to get used to go hand in hand and do not separate in places with a lot of people.

  • If for any reason, you will move away to throw a paper or look at anything, you should notify the nearest adult.

  • Teach your child to ask for help In case of feeling intimidated.

  • Another issue to watch closely is social networks. You have to be careful and know who our son is related to and make him aware that strangers should not be contacted by these means as he could easily be deceived.

  • And related to the previous point it is essential that the child does not indicate in their social profiles the school they attend.

  • It is preferable that there is no personal information of the small visible so that no adult can use it as a way to approach him.

  • Beware of hoaxes: it is common for both social networks and whatsapp to circulate numerous false information that can generate alarm. Before worrying, confirm the information in official sources, check the social profiles of the Civil Guard or the National Police for example, where they usually warn of this series of hoaxes or if they are true they will offer you information of interest.

Do not forget that these are precautions and above all you have to keep calm and establish guidelines so that the child understands the importance of not leaving with any stranger.

Video: Students take extra precautions after abduction attempts (July 2024).