How to educate your children so that love is what guides them in their lives

When we hear about Valentine's Day, many times the first thing we think about is love as a couple, and it is usually what most publicity focuses on this day. But love is not only a couple, love is a feeling that is in every part of our lives.

We can find it in the love of the family, the love of a job that we are passionate about, the friends who support us and, above all, with ourselves. And just because of the importance of love in every aspect of our lives, today I want to share some tips for love to guide the lives of our children.

Talk with our children about love

Starting to talk with our children about love is something we can do from an early age. And it is the one that love manifests in the family from the moment in which our children become part of it.

When they are little, we can explain love to them, like that feeling of affection and joy that we feel when being together parents and children, or that unconditional relationship and full of pampering and laughter they have with their grandparents, for example.

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A hug, a kiss, say "I love you" or "I love you", or small things, such as having a kind gesture or a nice touch towards our loved ones, are all ways in which our children can show the love they feel for their family.

Teach them about self love

An extremely important part when talking with our children about this feeling is to do it also, focusing on self love. And it is that this will be one that defines many things about their personality and the perception they will have in the future about themselves.

Self-esteem, which we also know as self-esteem, is something that should be worked on since childhood. By strengthening their self-esteem, our children will feel more secure and capable of doing what they set out to do, thus becoming optimistic, sociable and happy adults.

And how do we reinforce their self-esteem or self-esteem? First, with attachment and affection towards them, showing them the love we have for them. We can also reinforce and recognize their successes, being careful not to fall into exaggerated praise, because also they must become adults prepared for the adversities that may arise in their lives.

Love towards others

In addition to teaching them about self-love, which will help them take care of themselves and see their positive qualities, we must also educate our children in love towards other people: his brothers, his relatives, his friends and classmates.

When I talk about this, I mean that through love towards others, we can teach them to be Kind, empathic and respectful people with others, showing them that happiness is also achieved through goodness and doing good to other people.

Remember that much of the life teaching we can give our children, we do it through the example. They always see us and listen to us, therefore it is important that we also work constantly in our own love and in the love for others.

When we establish happiness and love as the basis of education, we better prepare our children for their future: A beloved child is a happy child, and that happy child will grow up to be a confident and optimistic adult, capable of having positive relationships of friendship and partner..

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In Babies and more | Nine keys to reinforce children's self-esteem, Happiness and love as the basis of education, A student records people's reaction by telling them they are handsome: we have to work on our children's self-esteem