Large family in record time: they have five children under three years old at home

Being parents of preschoolers is quite tiring for most. The children of less than three years have an unstoppable energy, are eager to discover everything, and the care and attention they require is constant, both day and night.

Can you imagine what a house with five children under three can be? A beautiful chaos! That is the day to day life of Leanne Shelton and her husband, Graham, a couple from Staffordshire, England who they had five children in just two and a half years. They went from being two to seven in record time.

His first son, Elwood, was born in July 2014. They were delighted to be parents and wanted to enlarge the family, and eight months later she became pregnant, this time from twins. In December 2015, Hendrix and Axl were born, and the couple felt their family was complete.

But the biggest surprise came when just 14 weeks after giving birth to the twins, Leanne became pregnant again. On the seven-week ultrasound they also discovered that it was coming ... another pair of children!

"I cried all the way home, not because I was disappointed, but because it was simply overwhelming," the mother said in an interview with Daily Mail.

In December 2016, Bowie and Phoenix were born, the only girl in the family.

If with one it is complicated ...

Imagine with five! I can't even imagine what it will be like to get ready to leave home, bath time or lunch with five children. In addition, the five are in a stage of development in which the discovery of the environment is a new challenge every day. These parents certainly do not get bored.

"We knew life would be hectic with a group of twins but we never expected a second group to arrive, and not so together."

They have a double and a triple stroller, since the older one still gets tired if he walks too much. They get up at six in the morning and it takes them more than an hour to wash, dress and prepare them for breakfast.

The organization is key in a large family. They say that the night before they leave the clothes and breakfast ready for the next morning.

The older three go to daycare three days a week, and the positive thing about them being so followed is that being in the same age range "They have the same interests and are really very close", says his mother.

The sacrifice that parents make to take care of them is very great. She takes care of the children at home and he works at night as a warehouse agent to take care of the children during the day.