Leaving your children with grandparents could be detrimental to their health, but this can be prevented.

Some years ago, we learned that more than 50% of grandparents take care of their grandchildren almost every day. Have become caregivers and educators of their grandchildren, especially of those families in which both parents work and are single parents.

But although many of us are pleased that our parents spend time with our children, scientists warn that this might not always be good, and that in reality, it could be harmful to your health and even increase your chance of having cancer.

The study

According to a new study by scientists from the United Kingdom, the lifestyle that grandparents lead greatly influences the lives of their grandchildren and their health. The objective of their study was to identify and synthesize the evidence that some grandparents' care practices had on the risk factors of their grandchildren of having cancer in the future.

For their research, they focused on six risk areas that family care could influence: weight, diet, physical activity, smoking, alcoholism and sun exposure. The team analyzed data from 56 studies from 18 countries that included information about the influence of grandparents on their grandchildren.

In relation to food, it was found that Grandparents and grandmothers consent to their grandchildren by giving them lots of goodies and fatty food. Excess food was a frequent problem, since in addition to overfeeding their grandchildren, they cooked with unhealthy ingredients.

The results also showed that grandparents allowed them to spend more time at home without physical activity, such as letting them play video games or watching television, instead of running or playing away from home. Another discovery was that many grandparents tend to smoke in front of their grandchildren, setting a bad example, in addition to exposing them to secondhand smoke.

These results alerted scientists, since excess weight and lack of physical activity, they are factors that increase the probability of having cancer in the future. Of course, it was found that all these risks are not intentional, but that the effect that grandparents caused on the health of their grandchildren was generally negative.

Why this happens

We must always have something very present: our parents are from another generation. For us some things can be very clear because we learned them from an early age or maybe because unlike most grandparents, we are constantly updating ourselves about scientific studies and articles that talk about the health of our children.

There are some grandparents who are responsible for doing so too and they are very knowledgeable people, however it is not the case for all of them. Some beliefs that they have are already obsolete and could harm their grandchildren, without them knowing. Many things that once were advisable, today are not recommended.

On the other hand, speaking of food, many grandparents use it as a way to reward their grandchildren, express affection or strengthen the relationship between them. In addition, according to the evidence found in the study, it was found that many of them lived in poverty and went hungry in their childhood, so some were left with the idea that excess weight is a sign of good health.

But spending time with grandparents is good too!

The study that I share today speaks only of the effect grandparents have on the physical health of grandchildren, not to mention anything about emotional health. From that point of view, there are many benefits of children spending time with their grandparents.

On the one hand it was found that children who grow up near their grandparents are happier, since it has been found that the close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren helps cushion adverse events in their lives, providing tranquility and security.

But in addition to benefiting grandchildren in a positive way, grandparents are also favored by spending time with them. Previous studies prove that grandparents who care for their grandchildren live longer and that this also prevents the cognitive deterioration of grandparents.

So what should we do?

Stephanie Chambers, one of the authors of the study says that according to the studies they analyzed, they realized that Many parents find it difficult to talk about certain issues with grandparents, such as secondhand smoke or excess candy.

"Because many parents now rely on grandparents to take care of their children, the confusing messages about health that children can understand is probably the most important discussion they should have."he says.

Ideally, reach agreements on standards and parenting with grandparents, defining roles and always speaking from respect and empathy.

Photos | iStock
Via | Telecinco
In Babies and more | Holidays are coming: how to reach agreements on rules and parenting with grandparents, Some obsolete beliefs of grandparents could harm grandchildren, Children who grow up near their grandparents are happier

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