You were doing it wrong: a mother shows how to transport the car maxicosi easily and without discomfort

If there is an object of the heavy baby to transport from one place to another, that is the car seat of group 0, known to all as maxicosi. Although once installed in the vehicle experts do not recommend moving this chair or walking the baby in it, sometimes, for some reason it must be transported from one place to another and the truth is that it is really uncomfortable.

Therefore, we want to echo a video that we have seen on Facebook shared by an American doctor specializing in chiropractic, which advises from the page of his clinic "Bridge Family Chiropractic", how to transport the baby in this chair without hurting us.

In the video, Dr. Emily Puente compares how we usually transport this chair normally and how we should do it to avoid, not only discomforts, if not injuries or pain both in the arm, such as the shoulder, hip or legs.

"The traditional way in which we usually carry this type of chairs, causes undue tension in the body because the weight is not distributed evenly" - comments- "Learning this simple maneuver to take the chair in another way, you will be able to distribute the weight between the abdomen and shoulders and I assure you that it will be much easier to transport "

His video has gone viral and has been shared by 53,000 people. Although she admits that this technique may not be valid for certain chair models, the video has more than 19,000 comments from people who say they have tried this peculiar way of wearing maxicosi and noticing the difference.

This advice is too late for me but if you have the opportunity to try it, tell us if it really works!

  • Via Bridge Family Chiropractic
  • In Babies and More Keys to consider when choosing and assembling the car seat, Postural or positional asphyxiation: why babies should not sleep in car seats

Video: How to carry a baby car seat = MIND BLOWN. (July 2024).