80 percent of people do not consume the calcium and vitamin D they need (and it is worrisome)

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and the Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation (FINUT) have presented the report "Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population".

Babies and More had the opportunity to attend the presentation of this study that determines the importance of calcium in the diet of children and adults, and warns of the deficit that 80 percent of the Spanish population has both this nutrient and vitamin D, so important for health.

The Spanish drink little milk

The report "Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population" has been presented on the occasion of the celebration of World Milk Day 2017, and one of its main objectives is to alert the population of health risks derived from decreased milk consumption.

According to the report, eight out of ten Spaniards would not reach the recommended daily levels of calcium intake, children and adolescents being one of the main risk groups because they are in full formation and development of the bone skeleton

Daily calcium intake recommendations vary based on age. and the stage of development of the individual, between 400 mg and 1,300 mg, the recommended daily dose:

  • From 0-6 months an intake of 400 mg daily is recommended
  • From 6 to 12 months the intake should rise to 525 mg daily
  • From 2 to 9 years should consume between 600 and 800 mg per day
  • From 10 to nineteen years of age, daily consumption should not fall below 1,300 mg.

In adulthood, calcium requirements fall to 1,000 mg per day, with exceptions during the menopause stage, pregnancy and lactation in which calcium consumption should rise again to 1,300 mg per day

However, according to this study, children and teenagers Hardly they get to consume 1,000 mg of calcium daily, the age range from 14 to 18 years of age is especially worrying. average daily intake stays well below recommended.

Source: Scientific report "Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population" For all this, and in the words of experts, "given the extraordinary value of calcium for health, it is essential to ensure a adequate consumption in relation to nutritional needs at each stage of life "

How to maintain a diet rich in calcium?

Cereals, vegetables, vegetables, legumes ... There are several foods that contain calcium but the milk It is, according to experts, the best source and one of the most food easy and accessible when incorporated into the diet.

Milk is the main and best source of calcium, both for the high levels it contains, and for its high bioavailability that facilitates the proper absorption by the body of this mineral

A single glass of milk contains the same calcium as six servings of legumes or seven servings of vegetables, hence it is more complicated to maintain correct levels of calcium in the diet if we stop consuming milk on a daily basis.

Given that approximately one serving of cheese contains 500 mg of calcium, a glass of milk about 300 mg and a yogurt around 180 mg, would have to consume between two and four milk rations a day to reach the recommended levels, varying slightly as we have seen depending on the stage of life in which we are.

The rise of vegetable drinks

According to data from the FEN and FINUT report, in recent years the consumption of milk in Spain has decreased alarmingly, and one of the main reasons, according to experts, would be the boom of vegetable drinks.

And there are more and more people who, by their own will, decide to eliminate dairy products from their diet by replacing them with vegetable drinks without being aware of negative impact that this change in diet can have on your health, especially if we talk about children.

Source: scientific report "Milk health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population" "There is the idea that a diet free of milk and dairy is not a problem when it comes to reaching recommended calcium intakes and vitamin D, but this is a mistake "- says Professor Gregorio Varela, President of the FEN

A calcium deficit would not only affect the bone development of growing children, but also increase the risk of fractures and osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity and type II diabetes

And when there is APLV, how do we supply calcium from milk?

There is no doubt that milk is an excellent food that should not be lacking in the diet, especially when we talk about growing children. But we must not forget that precisely this food is one of the main responsible for allergy in young children.

What happens then in cases of APLV in which the child must have a milk-free diet?

"In these cases, the Allergist along with a dietitian, should establish an alternative dietary plan in which foods rich in calcium are included as well as assess the administration of supplements. In these children it is very important to know that the status of vitamin D is good to facilitate the absorption of calcium from the diet as much as possible " - says Professor Ángel Gil, president of FINUT

The diet of a child with APLV should always be supervised by a doctor, in order to ensure that there are no health risks arising from a calcium deficit.

The Mediterranean diet contains endless foods rich in calcium that by combining them correctly and incorporating the appropriate amounts at each stage of development and growth, they should provide the recommended daily levels.

In cases where you want to offer the allergic child a vegetable drink, the report states that you should keep in mind that you are "They are not comparable to milk in terms of calcium intake"since naturally they are very poor drinks in this mineral, so they should always be fortified or enriched.

Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach or broccoli, whole grains, legumes or calcium-enriched foods such as some vegetable drinks should not be lacking in the daily diet of a child with APLV

Ascensión Marcos, president of the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetic Societies (FESNAD), emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition in children with APLV, because the withdrawal of milk from their diets, means eliminating an important food with a high nutrient density.

"In case of a milk allergy, and if the child is breastfeeding, the mother will have to avoid ingesting milk so that the protein does not pass to the child through breast milk" - emphasizes Ascension

"As the child grows, and following the instructions of the pediatrician and allergist, milk should start to feed in very small doses and monitoring at all times the existence of possible symptoms " - concludes.

Vitamin D, also in the spotlight

But not only calcium has been studied in the report presented by FEN and FINUT and endorsed by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietary Societies (FESNAD). Vitamin D is also in the spotlight.

A correct contribution of vitamin D is essential for our body to absorb calcium correctly, but according to the study presented, much of the Spanish population also has a deficit of this important vitamin.

He Sun is one of the main natural sources of vitamin D, so it is paradoxical that in a country as sunny as ours, the inhabitants lack this vitamin.

According to scientific studies, the main causes of the deficit of this nutrient would be in:

  • The growing physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle and low sun exposure following cultural habits that lead to absolute protection from the sun through the use of hats or certain types of clothing

  • Low consumption of supplements and foods fortified in vitamin D

Foods that contain vitamin D are limited but especially blue fish, shellfish, egg yolk, certain viscera such as liver and dairy.

The use of pharmacological supplements should never replace foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and their use should always be supervised by a specialist, the study concludes.

And is that by carrying out a balanced diet and consuming all kinds of food on a regular basis and since childhood, there should be no nutritional deficiencies. Without forgetting the importance it has for everyone, especially for children, playing sports and playing outdoors.

  • IStock Photos

  • Via Scientific report "Milk as a health vehicle: calcium and its determinants in the health of the Spanish population" (2017). Prepared by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation and the Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation and signed by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietary Societies.

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