Is it a good idea to ban small children from entering certain restaurants?

Probably one of the biggest doubts I had when I just became a mother was knowing when it was appropriate or advisable to attend certain places with my baby.

There are places to which by common sense mothers do not attend with babies or young children, such as those with a lot of noise or that may present a risk to them.

But what about places like restaurants? Is there an age at which it is considered inappropriate to carry a baby or child? What do you think of places that prohibit the entry of young children? I share my opinion and the controversy caused by a restaurant in the United States by prohibiting the entry of children under five.

Maybe it's because of the use of social networks, maybe it's just that now people dare to say more things than before, but it seems that there is a kind of fashion anti children lately.

It is not uncommon to find posts on Facebook or Twitter of people complaining about the presence of children in places like restaurants or cafes. Their main claim is that they are not allowed to eat in peace because the children are screaming or running, and that is why some places have chosen to prohibit entry for young children.

The most recent example is a restaurant in North Carolina, which recently announced that will not allow children under 5 years. The place, in name Caruso's It is a recognized Italian luxury restaurant in his city, and according to the WCNC portal the owner made the decision after too many incidents of young children crying, screaming and misbehaving, because disrupted the atmosphere of the place.

Of course, the reactions have not been expected, from annoying parents to guests applauding their decision, because it will allow them to enjoy dinner without shouting or pushing. But just as there are parents who accused them of discrimination, there are others who support this new rule, since they consider that the place is not appropriate to take a baby or a small child. Surprisingly, since it was taken is a new measure, the restaurant has raised its clientele and reservations have almost doubled.

So, shouldn't we take young children to restaurants?

Now, while it is not the first restaurant to ban entry to children, it seems to me that the idea is not so extreme. As a mother, I know that eating out with young children is a currency in the air: or it can be a quiet family outing or it can be a disastrous concert combined with a food war.

Personally I think this is a somewhat complex issue. On the one hand, it seems to me that this could encourage less and less tolerance for children. But on the other hand, at least in this case, this rule could be valid. Let's think about our life for a moment before having children. We are talking about a fancy restaurant that people who attend probably go because it is a special occasion or because they want to be treated differently to a fast food place or with a more familiar atmosphere.

Although it has never bothered me that a child does things that are natural in them, such as running or screaming, what bothered me before I was a mother (and still bothers me) was when the parents said nothing to them. A child may not know how to behave correctly or respectfully, an adult does. There are parents who, without being strict or threatening, make their children calm or without making a lot of fuss, either because they are taught values ​​from an early age or because they know they are very attentive to the behaviors and signals of their children, so they know when it is time to act

What can we do to make everyone happy when eating out?

The first thing is to be realistic. As much as we have plans or think about things that could happen, life with young children is usually unpredictable. But we can always prepare for family outings to be a good time and not bother other people.

We must put ourselves in the place of our children. If you get bored waiting for food to be brought, now imagine a child, who has all the energy in the world. For them everything is new, everything is worthy of being observed and explored. That's why as parents, I repeat, we must be realistic and be prepared for those moments. There are various ways to entertain or distract our children in a restaurant, even without having to resort to our smartphone or tablet.

If in the worst case, a monumental tantrum is unleashed, there is always the option of go out with your son for a while to distract him, talk to him quietly without feeling a thousand eyes looking at you and he sees a different picture, then return to the table and continue enjoying the food. I have seen that this is done by many parents and in most cases it works because children return with a smile.

I think parents don't have to limit ourselves when eating out to a restaurant with our baby or son. It is normal to feel somewhat uncomfortable if someone makes us a bad face, but we must try not to stress and focus on the needs of our children at that time.

I love eating out with my husband and two-year-old daughter. And although sometimes she is not in the mood, I always see it as a good time to share something different in family. You just have to use common sense: If a restaurant is elegant or fancy, it might not be the best place for a child who wants to run or who despairs very quickly. The children will grow up or we will have some free night to go to dinner quietly in such places.

Video: Bill Burr MMP One-Shot - Restaurant Owner Bans Young Kids (July 2024).