Your first shoes: how to adapt the baby little by little

Your baby starts to stand up and combine the crawling with her first steps. Soon he will wear his first shoes with a sole, but for this intermediate stage of his development it is also essential to choose the most suitable footwear.

We tell you how you can get the little one to adapt gradually to the use of shoes and make feel as comfortable as possible to make walking as easy as fun and fascinating.

The intermediate stage between crawling and the first steps

Most babies begin to strain with their legs to straighten around Four or six months. At first they stand up in our lap and then, they pick up strength by crawling and crawling on the floor to get the things that catch their attention.

In a second stage, the kids start looking for walls and furniture to lean on them and get up. In this way they go on practicing, until they get enough balance to Start taking the first steps.

It is essential to fit them properly, although most of the time they remain barefoot

Until now, your baby has been barefoot most of the time, in booties or socks. The recommendation of the experts in any case, is that you should not put on your babies before they start to walk, but at this stage where they already begin to stand up and take their first steps we can start the adaptation of the child to the use of shoes.

At each stage, it is essential to know how to choose the most suitable footwear for the baby. It is an intermediate phase in which they need a completely unstructured shoe, not molded and very light. For all this, it is very important that the baby's first shoes are "adaptive" shoes. This type of shoe meets all the necessary characteristics so that the child can crawl and stand with them.

The Pregatea Chicco footwear allows the baby to become familiar with the use of the shoes. In addition, its rounded form allows the child's foot to move freely, while covering it and protecting it from cold and shock.

Comfort and freedom of movement

Choosing the shoe size well is essential. If they are too small they will disturb the child and hinder their development. Instead, a large shoe will make you trip constantly. Remember that you should try on shoes always late in the afternoon and with your socks on. And always wear some socks of intermediate thickness. This will prevent you from feeling uncomfortable, hot or sweaty. You will get him to feel comfortable and comfortable.

The type of shoe is also important. Going from being barefoot to a shoe with a walking sole would be too radical a change. The Chicco Pregatea range allows the baby to feel comfortable and free when trying to get up to start taking his first steps.

In order for their feet to develop well and their ankles to have complete freedom of movement, it is best for children to walk barefoot most of the time. Even so, we can follow some tips so that, little by little, the baby begins to Adapt to your first shoes.

Tips for the adaptation phase

Fit the little one When you go out on the street. If you already start to stand up by holding on to the walls and furniture, you may feel like experimenting in the park. Put on your adaptive shoes when you go out for a walk, when you want to be on the rubber floor of the playground, while playing in the sandbox or when experimenting on the lawn. You will see how he enjoys.

At home or on the street, do fun things and activities with your shoes on. For example: kicking a ball or dancing to the sound of music. If the child associates fun things with the use of shoes, he will be much less reluctant to wear them. Allow him exercise playing in the street or in the playground.

Choose the size and type of shoe well

Every time you wear it, take the opportunity to explain what they are for and where they put on their shoes with simple phrases such as "this little shoe is going to cover this little piece".

So your son will get used to fit as part of your daily routineJust as you wash your face when you wake up in the morning, you brush your teeth after eating or dress and comb your hair before going outside.

Massage the soles of the feet before and after taking off his shoes. Baby foot massages are as stimulating as they are pleasurable, but they are also very beneficial for your feet as they help you strengthen your muscles. You can exert gentle pressure with your thumbs on the sole of the foot, from the heel to the toes, and then gently caress each finger.

And remember that We must never force children to walk. It is not necessary to train them, they have the necessary instinct to stand up and start walking alone as soon as they feel prepared for it. Otherwise, your movements may be much less fluid and balanced.

So don't worry about the moment when your little one will take her first steps. He will give them insurance! Enjoy all its stages of growth. Each one of them is unique, special and different. As soon as you have achieved sufficient development and you feel ready to let go and move on your own, you will begin to explore the world around you on your feet.

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Images | iStock / Avatar_023 / Stas_Uvarov / adrian825 / TolikoffPhotography.

Video: how to choose kids shoes (July 2024).