Tension from the clouds? Learn to control it in pregnancy

Gestational hypertension, pregnancy hypertension or pregnancy-induced hypertension is a disorder that affects the normal development of pregnancy and is defined as the appearance of hypertension in a pregnant woman after 20 weeks of pregnancy, without a previous diagnosis.

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are quite common and although most are mild, others can be a serious risk to the health of the mother and the baby. Therefore, always it is necessary to control the tension in pregnancy and keep it at bay.

This hypertension occurs if the values ​​are higher than 140/90 (asystole or maximum blood pressure / diabolic or minimum blood pressure). You have to check the tension periodically in the reviews or if you feel bad. Some alarm signs that could indicate that the future mother suffers from hypertension and that they require medical attention are:

  • Abrupt weight gain, greater than 750 grams in a week.
  • Oliguria or decreased urine production.
  • Edema or swelling caused by excess fluid in the tissues.
  • Snoring.
  • Renal commitment (the kidneys do not work properly).

Tips to control stress in pregnancy

Follow the doctor's instructions if you notice any of the above symptoms and suffer from hypertension in pregnancy: this would be the only advice, since the professional will determine what hypertensive state you suffer and how to handle it. But there are some recommendations that will help us control stress in pregnancy, to not rise above healthy levels and get rid of that problem.

  • The emotional factor has a lot to do with hypertension. Stress increases blood pressure. How do you cope with pregnancy changes? How do you imagine and prepare the arrival of the baby? Take it easy, enjoy all the months of pregnancy, keeping the activities that relax you (exercising, walking, listening to music, taking a relaxing bath, sharing with friends ...), especially when dinner time is approaching and stress it grows. Share your worries
When we suffer stress our body releases different hormones, some of which make us breathe faster and raise blood pressure.
  • Another question we must ask ourselves is, do you rest enough to have physical and psychological well-being? Because being resting improves the arrival of blood to nutrients and the fetus and benefits the mother's emotional state.

  • Practice relaxation exercises at home during pregnancy, they are simple and help control stress and tension. Yoga is also an appropriate exercise in pregnancy.

  • Exercise regularly, as physical activity improves cardiac function and healthy arteries. In contrast, sedentary lifestyle is also a cause of hypertension.

  • Follow a healthy and varied diet, low in fat and salt, which favors adequate weight gain. Sausages, especially fatty and dehydrated foods, healthy industrials ... have too much salt. Excess salt favors fluid retention, which causes the heart to pump harder. Likewise, fatty meats also favor hypertension. Opt for the grill or the oven rather than the fried ones, avoid the precooked ones, the fast food ... Use olive oil and drain the roast fats, cut the visible fat from the meats ... Chocolate should be avoided if you have a tendency to have the high tension.

  • Avoid foods with high cholesterol, since high cholesterol causes the arteries to clog so that circulation is difficult by raising tension. You have to take care of cholesterol levels even before pregnancy.

  • Do not consume coffee or other caffeinated drinks or energy drinks and, of course, not a drop of alcohol.

  • Do not smoke or let it be done with you. Tobacco or alcohol exert a vasoconstrictor action, which makes the heart have to make a greater effort to pump the blood. These last tips not only help control hypertension, they are essential for the health of your baby and yours in these months.

  • Some foods that help maintain blood pressure well are olive oil, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables and, of course, the best drink, water.

  • Go to prenatal check-ups so that the doctor determines the status of your blood pressure.

  • The most reliable blood pressure monitors are hospital automatic devices or manuals.

  • If you use a semi-automatic homemade blood pressure monitor, keep in mind that it must be well calibrated. Take the tension at different times of the day and in a resting situation, not in a specific situation of physical or piscological discomfort.

Remember that gestational hypertension should be closely monitored by a professional to quickly identify the occurrence of complications such as preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and eclampsia. Treatment options are limited, because many antihypertensive drugs can affect the fetus. Therefore, the best we can do is prevent hypertension in pregnancy by following these tips.

Video: How To Relieve Tension Headaches When Pregnant (July 2024).