Do trinkets really cause worms in children?

The intestinal parasitic infections, commonly known as "worms", cause a considerable number of infested children in any country. Although with the right treatment they disappear, they are annoying and we want to avoid them, sometimes not with the right argument.

It is one of the reasons that parents argue most when it comes to limiting the consumption of sweets by children, but Do baubles really cause worms?

Recall that the most frequent intestinal parasitosis in our environment are those produced by pinworms or "Enterobius vermicularis". They are intestinal infections that can be caused by the ingestion (or inhalation) of protozoan cysts, eggs or worm larvae. That is, unless the candy is infected with cysts, eggs or larvae (like any other food), no worms will be produced in the child.

However, there are many other reasons that are valid for children not to eat sweets on a regular basis: they produce cavities, have an excess of sugar, contribute to obesity ... It is a “food” located at the top of the food pyramid , so its consumption must be occasional.

Prevent worms in children

There are certain ways to prevent the appearance of worms, effective advice to be applied by the whole family:

  • All household members should wash their hands thoroughly with special care by cleaning under the nails. This habit is essential before each meal, after using the bathroom or after a diaper change.

  • Keep your children's nails short to avoid scratching and, consequently, sores are formed.

  • It is recommended to carefully clean the child's buttocks and anus after going to the bathroom and check if he is appending to do it alone.

If the worm infestation has already occurred, we must go to the pediatrician to give us the appropriate treatment (also if we only suspect it but we are not sure, since it is best to treat the worms as soon as possible). Reinfection is very possible: the following tips will help us avoid it.

  • It is advisable to wash the sheets, clothes, pajamas and towels used by the infected child on the same day he takes the medicine to treat oxyuriasis. Be careful not to shake contaminated clothing so that the eggs do not go into the air and fall on other surfaces of the home.

  • If the child sleeps with a closed pajamas, we will avoid scratching at night and minimizing the risk of passing pinworm eggs to hands and sheets.

  • It is advisable to disinfect household toilets to avoid contagion to other family members.

Definitely, Earthworms in children are not produced by the consumption of sweetsThis is a myth like so many others that involve the issue of health, although for once it is not dangerous and even helps reduce the consumption of goodies, which is never wrong. But what you need to know is that you can prevent annoying worms in the right way and not let them pass.

Video: 15. Happy Birthday Tayen! (July 2024).