A baby has a head cut in her caesarean section and it takes 24 hours to sew the wound

Caesarean delivery is an intervention that is performed when after weighing the risks and benefits it is estimated that it is better to carry it out for the sake of the baby and / or the mother. It is not exempt from possible complications, and one of them is that during the operation the baby suffers a cut With the surgical material.

This is what happened to a baby in Inverness, in Scotland, in what was a scare for parents that also went to more because they did not perform the wound suture until 24 hours later.

When it seems that everything has to go wrong

According to The Mirror, Emma Edwards, 21 years old, had time at Raigmore Hospital to have a scheduled C-section. She and her partner live in Wick, to more than 150 kilometers from the hospital, but apparently that is where they have to give birth (obviously there is controversy in this regard).

They traveled the day before to be able to be in the hospital in the morning, which they entered on time at eight in the morning. But the hours went by and at five in the afternoon they were told that they could not have a C-section that day because they were having too many cases of urgency. They explained that the baby would be born the next day in the early hours, but again everything was delayed until they were told it should be over the weekend (this happened on a Friday).

They decided to return to their city to return again on Sunday afternoon, but that same night, at 3 in the morning, Emma broke waters.

Three hours later they were back in the hospital, with contractions (around 6 in the morning) and by 10 o'clock the procedure was over: they had already had a caesarean section and then ran out with the girl to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit because she They had produced the cut.

The surgeon told him that the cut it was because she hadn't said when she arrived that she had already broken waters, but in his medical record it was seen a posteriori that he had mentioned it immediately.

And 24 hours without suturing it

Surely they somehow approached the wound until they sewed it, but it is recommended that the wounds are sutured in the first 6 hours after they occur so that the result is more favorable. In the hospital there was no plastic surgeon and they had to wait 24 hours for one to perform the suture, so the anger of the parents was considerable, and they have already asked that the case be studied to debug responsibilities.

But ... this will be rare, right?

No, not really. According to some studies in this regard, the risk of a baby suffering an injury or injury during caesarean section is between 1.9% and 3.12%.

And in reality it is not the most serious risk of caesarean sections, because there are worse. That's why it says, that's why we always say, that a cesarean should really be done when necessary, and not for economic reasons (a hospital charges more money if it does more caesarean sections), for comfort or on a whim.

Video: Incision Care Discharge Instructions. Nucleus Health (July 2024).