It is already urgent: a 9-year-old boy commits suicide because he suffered bullying at school

His name is (or was) Jackson Grubb and with only nine years (I repeat, nine), decided a few days ago to take his own life because could not bear the harassment of his classmates anymore.

Nine years old and already a victim of bullying? What the hell are we doing? This is already urgent.

He hanged himself in his own room

As we read in Antena3, Jackson, from Virgina (USA) was found dead last Saturday by his sister, who wanted to enter the room to surprise him. He had seen him sad, decayed, and thought it would be a good idea to give him something to encourage him. He thought a pet would do well and bought him a turtle. But when he entered the room, he was already found lifeless.

The parents recognize that they had noticed a change in the child's behavior and ensure that the bullying he was suffering at school Sophia Soak Creek Elementary It led him to take his own life. Now they demand an investigation to know exactly what happened.

The mother explained that she met an ambulance when she got home and that when she saw everyone's face she knew that her son had died. The grandmother, who spent a lot of time with the child, explained that she had tried to help him with bullying, looking for ways to make new friends, but that it was very difficult to know what was really happening because the boy was shy and did not explain many things .

The family already knew that he was being a victim of bullying

Not only did the grandmother say she was aware that something was happening, the parents also knew it, and explained that the boy had tried to defend himself against stalkers with humor, but apparently had lost the desire to fight against them in recent weeks.

In this regard we should not draw hasty conclusions, because we really do not know more than what they tell us, but if they talk about weeks, it is clear that everyone could have done something else.

Bullying is increasing, and society is not responding

It is estimated that bullying increased 75% in 2015, it is known that it occurs at an earlier age, and that 70% of children who suffer bullying suffer from it daily.

With this data, we should already be carrying out awareness campaigns with families and children, shock actions and a profound change in education systems.

Jackson was only 9 years old. An age too short to have even the slightest tools to deal with stalkers. Moreover, the smaller the child who is bullied, the greater the risk, because it is more incapable of managing what happens to it and more incapable of weighing the consequences of trying to commit suicide or of attempting any defense action against the abusers (trying to kill them or similar).

That is why no child so young should ever be in such a difficult situation to manage. Neither the elders either, of course. But they keep watching most lukewarm reactions from many schools, that instead of facing it they look the other way.

"It has to be imposed a little ..."

In the reviews we do in the health center we always try to know how a boy or girl is doing in school, because we can detect things that might need professional attention (speech therapists, psychologists, etc.), and on more than one occasion we have found with children victims of bullying and with parents who don't know what to do anymore.

Just as there are schools where the answer is fast and very valid, because they work with all children and families, in others the answer is cold and useless. As in the case of a girl who suffered the actions of her classmates and the teacher considered that I was partly to blame for being so shy. When the family talked to her, demanding that her daughter be treated with respect and not tolerate those actions, she told them that her daughter had to learn to "impose herself a little".

This reminds me of the time when my eldest son began to go more and more scared to school because there were several children who beat. He had never been hit, he told us, but at the time of the playground there were some children who had decided to hide in the toilets so they wouldn't get hit. They were 7 years old at the time, and without knowing how to measure the consequences or the real danger, they preferred to avoid it.

When we went to school to ask for explanations, they told us that our son had to understand that there are children like that, a little more dominant, which can sometimes hit. That was his last year at school, logically: They were normalizing bullying!

The most heinous thing about bad people is the silence of good people. Gandhi

Video: Family encourages bullying awareness after teen suicide (July 2024).