The displacement of the baby: how it begins to conquer its autonomy

When he is born, the newborn is barely aware of the space around him, but as the months progress he will be more and more aware of his surroundings and will try to conquer, explore, access all corners of the house. So, around the eighth month the baby begins to crawl and later to walk, which allows him to begin, step by step, the conquest of his autonomy.

Obviously, the first movements of babies will be an important achievement (and very exciting for everyone!) But the little ones remain absolutely dependent on parents, and so it will be for many years, so we should not be surprised that in the future, even knowing how to walk perfectly, I was afraid to enter the school, stay with strangers ... In these cases, what we have to try is that they feel that they will always have us close when they need us.

But let's see how those are first steps to independence. The crawling is a very important first achievement and that is why we should not prevent children from crawling, skipping this crucial stage through which most of the children naturally pass. Crawling provides them with two levels of autonomy, motor and psychic:

  • In the motor plane, the baby has acquired sufficient evolutionary maturity to overcome obstacles and establish complex connections that allow them to make various movements to move, involving feet, legs, hands and arms, culete ...

  • On a psychological level, the baby for the first time chooses his destiny, separating himself from the parents… he is aware of these new abilities, which excite him and stimulate him to continue growing.

In Babies and more Baby crawling: a great step for your autonomy

There are many games to stimulate crawling, so if you are at this stage with your baby you have a great opportunity to put them into practice.

Soon after crawling, the baby is ready to start walking, another great achievement for your autonomy which usually occurs between twelve and fifteen months and that widens its "field of action". Later, he will improve his technique and learn to walk backwards and to climb stairs with help between approximately 16 and 18 months. Pedaling will be another way of displacement that will come later.

Neither with you nor without you

In short, when the baby, around eight or nine months, begins to move more easily around the house, looks more able to explore, looks more independent and reacts with satisfaction to the praise and encouragement that parents give them. They love discovering new corners, what drawers or closets hide ... and it is now when many babies begin to be more sociable, not to be afraid of strangers ...

They also begin to understand that objects and people exist even if they cannot see them, which does not prevent them from feeling a certain fear of standing up from parents, as we will see later. The process that a child goes through at this stage would be something similar to: "If I exist autonomously, my parents too." And that can scare.

In Babies and more Catting is very important for the development of the baby: What happens if you walk without crawling?

On the other hand, at this crucial stage, let's not forget to take care Safety conditions for babies who start walking in order not to take any fright, both at home and on the street. And while increasing the autonomy of the baby increase the potential risk of everything around him, which for him can simply be a game.

Therefore, we will have to establish the necessary limits and teach them what they can and cannot do, which will also contribute to a development of their conscience and independence. You will learn from experience, from your mistakes and from confidence in precise and coherent limits, even if you oppose them through the typical tantrums, the result of frustration. A clear example of this "Neither with you, nor without you", is when they want to get away from us to explore but, if a fall occurs, we will be the first ones to look for because they need us.

And finally, although Babies who begin to crawl and walk also take steps towards their autonomyThey need us a lot and they will do it for quite some time yet. In addition, at this stage they barely want to separate from dad and mom, they require their constant presence (what is sometimes known as "the anguish of the eighth month"), because along with these achievements the baby also gets a greater awareness of himself Same and this scares him.

In Babies and more The first steps of the baby, and how to accompany him when he starts to walk

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