Janna lives in Gaza, is ten years old and is the youngest war reporter in the world

In Gaza, the situation is extremely complicated although not every day we get news from there, that's why she has encouraged to take her camera and record what she lives because He says journalists are missing to tell how children live in their city.

She is called Janna, now ten years old and is the youngest war reporter in the world. He has been the eyes of Gaza abroad since he was seven years old because we see what he lives through his camera, through his eyes, those of a girl who does not play as a journalist, who is a journalist.

Janna was seven years old when her uncle Rushdie Tamimi was killed right in front of her. Like other members of his family, neighbors and friends he participated in the demonstrations that were convened in Ramallah, near his home, against the Israeli occupation of the area.

Janna began recording the demonstrations with her mother's mobile phone while commenting on the march the images she recorded. Helped and inspired by another member of her family, her uncle Bilal who is a professional photographer, the girl integrated activism and journalism into her own life, violence had also been integrated into her life and her surroundings for years. Since then What Janna does is show that violence through her camera.

Missing journalists

That is what Janna says to whom she asks why she does it. The girl is very clear, is convinced that informants are missing in Gaza Tell the world what she and her family and the rest of the people who live in the Palestinian territories live every day.

Her mother recognizes that she is proud of the value of this 10-year-old girl. Just as proud as his uncle Bilal, a professional photographer who accompanies and supports Janna in his recordings and then, in the time and work involved in uploading and sharing his videos on his social networks.

The camera and internet are the only weapons Janna has to be seen in a world that seems to have preferred to turn its head to the situation in which thousands of children live and die in Gaza.

Recording his life

Janna considers herself a reporter, she tells and records with her camera the reality that surrounds her, her own life. She is only a ten-year-old girl, she is a voice and eyes that show what Gaza is like in which she lives. Children in many places have become the only voice we hear and the only eyes that look at them, still remove our conscience.

Only a few months ago we were talking about Hilde, the nine-year-old girl who has created her own digital newspaper through social networks to the point of covering a murder near her home, giving data that the police had asked the media that did not make public.

Can we consider the two cases the same, what Janna does and what Hilde does? Can we justify both actions? Can we defend them both with the same arguments?

As we said on that occasion, where is the limit, in the journalism that Hilde defends or the reporterism that Janna does?

Video: Janna Jihad Tamimi's Powerful Message to Gaza Children & World (July 2024).