The beautiful photo of a father taking care of his sick son that Facebook does not want you to see

One of the things that most affect us as parents is the disease of our children. They do not understand why they are wrong, they find no comfort with almost nothing and suffer without knowing how to be better. And we also suffer for them because we also don't know how to make them well.

We do not know or can eliminate the disease, but we can help them to be a little better, and sometimes that means that the methods also affect us, like this father who spent hours with his son in the shower to get his fever to go down . His wife photographed them and when he hung the image on Facebook he found a reality he did not expect: the photo has been censored up to three times.

A father and his son with salmonellosis

As we read in the Daily Mail, the boy had vomiting, diarrhea and fever; he was fatal, and the only thing left to help him control the temperature was put it in the water. But I was very tired and getting alone would have been a solution for minutes, so Thomas Thitten, his father, decided to get in the shower with him. Thus, in his lap, he managed to get well for a few hours, before they finally went to the hospital. He was diagnosed there a Salmonella infection.

His wife, Heather Whitten, is a photographer specialized in childbirth, and both are parents of four children. When her husband got into the shower with Fox and saw them she felt tenderness, she felt love for that man, her husband, the father of her children. He saw him so patient, so affectionate and so strong hugging his little son in his lap, trying to make him feel better, that he decided to immortalize the moment.

A few days ago he shared the photo on his Facebook page accompanied by a message of support to other parents who sometimes find themselves in a similar situation: "A powerful moment for us as parents."

The photo went viral and was censored

From that moment the photo began to go viral, with more than 130,000 likes and tens of thousands of comments. But they weren't all positive, precisely. People began to say that it was an inappropriate photo, that it was not normal for father and son to be publicly showing his nakedness and that he should be removed.

And someone denounced it, with the consequent censorship of the image. Heather defended herself by saying that there is nothing sexual or abuse in the image, and that her private parts are not even visible, and decided to post it on her Facebook for the second time. And it was censored again.

So he hung it up for the third time, and has disappeared again, because there are still people who see her and consider her inadequate. Yes, Facebook is a private company and can decide what to show and what not on its network, but it is that hypocrisy cries out to the sky: every day we see men and women who teach much more and with a much more provocative attitude.

He's just a father taking care of his baby with a fever!

He is only a child with immense discomfort, after vomiting and a few diarrhea, hugging his father, who decided to spend with him the hours needed underwater, just to make him feel a little better.

It is a beautiful image and an example of love for all fathers and mothers. I hope that Heather re-hangs the photo and that now, this time, it can last a long time, along with the accompanying story.

By the way, since we are, I throw the question: If instead of the father was the mother? Would you follow the photo online? Because I begin to suspect that men are guilty of pedophilia until proven otherwise.

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