Five simple tips to prevent plagiocephaly (flat head) in the baby

Plagiocephaly or flat head is a cranial malformation that affects more and more babies, especially due to environmental causes, to continued postures when the baby's skull is very malleable, that is, during its first months of life. The good news is that there are Five simple tips to prevent plagiocephaly.

The key is to try that the baby is not always in the same position, neither awake nor asleep. Let's see how to achieve in a few steps that the baby's skull does not flatten. These recommendations will also help if the deformity of the head is mild, but do not forget to consult the pediatrician.

Vary posture

The first measure is do not always put the baby to bed. We can leave it in the crib, in the bed, in the carrycot or on your blanket face up on the back, but also lying on the right side and alternating this position with the support on the left side. To sleep, always on your back.

In Babies and more Plagiocephaly: How to prevent and treat the increasingly frequent head deformity of babies?

Change the position of the crib

If he sleeps in the crib next to your bed, change the crib from time to time, so that when he looks back at you he has to do it by turning his head to the right and to the left.

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Upside down time

When the baby is awake, take the opportunity to spend time upside down, in a safe and comfortable, guarded place, so that you do not have your head supported and begin to strengthen the muscles of the neck, back and arms. In addition, that the baby is upside down when awake is also important because its senses are stimulated, it promotes the development of gross motor skills such as crawling, sitting and rolling, and later fine motor skills ...

More arms, and alternating

When holding the baby in your arms, do so by alternating your right and left arm, so that you support the head on both sides. You can also hold it upside down, with its belly in your forearm. There are many ways to hold the baby and make him feel safe, not to be startled.

Other forms of transport

Do not always use the carrycot or stroller to transport the baby, it is convenient to use other methods to move it: in arms, in baby carrier bags, scarves or scarves ...

We hope these simple tips to prevent plagiocephaly or baby's flat head be useful to you And remember that the Spanish Association of Pediatrics doubts the desirability of wearing the orthopedic helmet in children with mild or moderate plagiocephaly. Consult the pediatrician if this is the case with your baby.

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In Babies and more | Is the orthopedic helmet recommended in children with mild or moderate plagiocephaly? Almost half of the two-month-old babies have plagiocephaly (flat head)

Video: New technology for treating flat head syndrome in babies (July 2024).