These are the 13 things for which a mother is considered a "Superwoman": are you one of them?

"Superwoman", "Supermamá", "Supermadre" or without entering to value it in heroic terms, we can talk about great mothers, or madrassas, who are admired and who seem to be the ideal to reach, the challenge of every woman, what you should aspire to. If you are, calm down, you are safe from criticism. If you are not, be prepared, because they will fall like rain on a torrential day: for "cough laos."

And how do you know if you are already a "Superwoman"? Well, very easy. Just know what are the requirements to be met and see if you have already achieved it: These are the 13 things why a mother is considered a "Superwoman":

Before you start reading, notice something: It is written in a sarcastic, ironic tone, with the intention of making a criticism of what society expects a woman to do to be considered a good mother and woman, who is very much, and what she expects of a man to be considered a good father, which is almost nothing.

Of course, I don't think it should be that way, as you will read next, but the pressure on women is enormous, and sometimes it is worth explaining them in this way, with humor, so that we realize what we are doing together. and all:

1. Your children are above all

They are always first. Any decision you have to make must be counting on them and taking into account the extent to which they can benefit or not. Even when they have several months and can spend time with their father. If this happens it must be due to force majeure, because it is incomprehensible for a mother to leave her child with the father or grandmother if she has free time. What is free time? Well, everything that is not work or do something for which money is perceived.

Going to the hairdresser, meeting friends, going for a walk or shopping is not good if that means doing it without children. A Superwoman He doesn't do any of that because he stays with them, and if he does, he takes them, obviously.

2. Receive visitors from the first moment

Visits are also first. As soon as you give birth you have to be able to receive friends, your parents, in-laws, etc., and if it is possible that you have groomed yourself a little: you can understand that in the first hours you can be a little disheveled and without makeup, but as soon as you can get up you should be able to take a shower, comb your hair and put a little color on that pale face of a newly born woman.

3. There is no pain

The sooner you can do things, the more admiration you will cause:

-Uff, it's been a few days now and it's hard for me to get up.
-Well, the daughter of Puri on the first day was already in the supermarket buying and at home doing things.
-Well, but surely she did not make a ces ...
-And it was cesarean. With the points and doing everything: a real Superwoman.

4. Work a little even when you are off

You take the baby and take him to work so that everyone knows him. And since you are, go talk to the boss or boss and tell him that at home you can do some paperwork, or advance some work, or tell you if there is something you can do from there. That your mother can explain to the friends that her daughter has been a mother recently and is asking for things to do to the boss will make her eyes cry with emotion.

5. Recover the figure as soon as possible

In two months if possible, like those of Vogue. There is nothing that amazes others anymore. The most important thing is to get people to doubt whether the baby is yours or not ... because they think they remember you were pregnant, but that body you spend doesn't marry the baby's time. And besides, as you are arranged, it cannot be that the baby is yours. "Do you take care of a friend?", "Are you his aunt?", "Is he yours? How can it be? If you're great!"

6. You have no excuse: show your six-pack belly

It doesn't have to be two months later, but if after three or four months you do it, no doubt you will be a Superwoman candidate of the month, or of the year. As the woman who had three children and had an incredible abdomen with her marked six-pack. She had no excuse for not getting it, so neither did you.

Not only do you have to have the body you had again, but you have to be even better.

7. Feed… everything, but let it get tired

If you breastfeed and consider that you are doing well, that it is easy, the best thing is that you go to the bottle (Unless you give him all the holy day and your son earns two kilos per month, then it is not necessary).

To pass to the bottle the ideal is that, or buy milk, or if you want to give yours, that you take it out. You take it out, freeze it, defrost it and give it to it. That supposes an important hustle and so when someone talks about "how badly breastfeeding Maria is doing" she can be answered, talking about you:

Do not complain, look at that one: every hour and a half he sets the alarm to take out milk, put it in bags and freeze it, and then he has to take it out and defrost it to give it to his baby in a bottle, which he barely accepts. But aunt is getting it ...

And if you want me to drink artificial milk, the ideal is that doesn't feel good. If it suits you, you will have no problem, but if it feels bad, you will get a lot of admiration for your trip through the pharmacies (buying every model of milk available among the anti-colic, anti-reflux, hypoallergenic, partially hydrolyzed, soy, goat, hydrolyzed, ...) and in doctors, who now does not gain weight, that now, that now better, than now worse ...

Come on, that the best option is not really the tit or the bottle, but the one that tires the most. But you know, don't notice. Let an egg tire to explain it, but it seems that it does not affect you. Because a Superwoman is because suffers a lot, the most, but knows how to suffer.

8. As soon as the leave is over, he goes to work

This is one of the most important points. Women who stay at home with their babies, who lengthen casualties or who take leave of absence are considered to be comforters, maintained by their husbands, who take advantage of the baby's excuse to do nothing.

You do not have to work. Get up early to breastfeed the baby, or the milk you drew, or the bottle of milk that is going to sit worse (because two hours later you have to ask permission at work to fly home because your child has put bad ... this gives a lot of points "Superwoman"). I still: leave the baby with the grandmother, or if it can be in the nursery, where professionals will do with your baby an incredible stimulation work so that you have a super baby according to your super mother.

Can you then take advantage of breastfeeding time to fly from work to where the baby is and feed him, then fly back to work. Get out of work and direct for the baby and for the supermarket (the Supermarket is one of the favorite places of the Superwoman), where you have to buy as much as possible in the shortest possible time, getting the greatest possible offers.

You do not know the pleasure of explaining, when a woman says "next time I go to the supermarket without the baby, there is no way", that your daughter goes with the baby, buys everything without carrying a list, calls you later to let you know the offers that are there and that when you ask for the baby, if he has it well fed, he says yes, that breastfeeds while putting things in the bags, even though it makes cracks when breast.

9. Has the house always ready

You know, that people can go and everything is perfect ... unpolluted. Your smiling baby sleeping in the crib. That nothing fits because we said that the baby eats fatal and she sleeps fatally and it makes no sense that the house is great? Sure, you are superwoman, not a normal mother of those who complain about everything and do not do half of what they are supposed to ... if it were stable it would not be funny.

That you can accept a visit at any time and that you can say "oh, sorry ... I didn't know you were coming and you caught me with a child's toy in the middle of the hall", because everything else is for the "HELLO" magazine to come to make you a report.

10. She is a woman, she is a lover

Don't forget your husband, of course. A Superwoman You have to be clear that the first thing is your children, but also your partner. There are men who have problems to understand that the love of his wife is diverted to the children, and they feel even jealous ... so it is normal that you manage to deal with it and show that nothing has changed between you, that you're still as in love with him as the first day.

A romantic dinner, some detail every day, prepare lunch and put beautiful messages ... I do not know, all those things that are told and that cause so much admiration in others. Besides being a good mother, you are a good wife (and good sister, and good daughter, and good ...).

11. There is no disease that knocks her down

What is a flu? What is fever? Nothing that can make you diminish your possibilities or your strength. But all women already know that. Only men have the right to get sick. A cold leaves us dusty, but not you. Imagine the shame of having to explain to people that the children went to school that day without their breakfast in the form of Hello Kitty or Darth Vader, or that they were not well groomed or dressed, or that they left something at home, because his mother was in bed with a fever.

And imagine the pride of explaining the opposite, that being with a fever, of 40ºC if it can be, you got up and did the thing of every morning, leaving the children in the school as always, smiling at the other moms, to get home and pass out

12. Do the work of your children's school, the more incredible, the better

Because everyone knows that the crafts that teachers ask their children are nothing more than an excuse to test the quality, dedication and love of their mothers. And to make it more difficult, they ask from one day to another, that the school boy arrives and says nothing at ten o'clock at night, with the stores closed and while you have just told them the story, one tells you "tomorrow I have to carry a 1: 120 scale model of a great 19th century monument. " To which the mother smiles and sees the golden opportunity to prove her worth.

While everyone sleeps, after having the milk taken for the third baby, he locks himself in a room with little light, making no noise so as not to wake his children or his husband, who the next day has to work, poor thing, than his own yes, you get tired, and until five in the morning, with the appropriate breaks to feed your baby, create an amazing masterpiece who, in a corner, will be accompanied by his son's rubric, which he will do at eight in the morning when he wakes up: "Take love, see what you have done ... put your name here".

13. Smile, always

I know that everything we have said may seem a bit tired, an exhausting tad maybe ... work, the house, the children, the couple, the purchase, the school work, exercise, flat stomach, prepare the school bags children, your husband's suitcase if he goes on a trip, do the laundry, iron the shirts, be your own agenda, be the children's agenda, be your husband's agenda, be your mother's agenda, etc., Y always with a smile. Because a Superwoman is because in reality, It's your duty. And when you do what is expected of you, the least you can offer others is a smile.

Again, it is incredible the pride of a mother to be able to say that his daughter is the one who had the worst, but the one that has taken him the best. Immense, unspeakable, you can die quietly ...

And what do men have to do to be a Superman, or a Superpadre?

Well, as Fernando Plaza says in a more than recommended post related to this of what we are talking about today: not much. You go out any day on the street with your children and without their mother, and shortly after you send them four smiles, make them laugh a little and see that you don't hit them or yell at them you already have it: "what a great father you are", "what Your wife is lucky, "" how I would have liked to have a father like you, "" if all men were like that ... ".

It doesn't matter if we don't know how to do anything else, it doesn't matter if we don't remember the date of our anniversary, or the children's birthdays, or if they have physical education, swimming or have to take a box to school to do crafts.

It does not matter if we go to the supermarket and buy the most expensive things, or that we arrive with what nobody has asked us or even need at home. It does not matter if we do not know when pediatrician plays, the vaccines, the syrup they are taking or at what time they play.

It does not matter if we do not do sports, that we have a belly, that we wear with tracksuit, that we do not talk with the neighbors and that weeks go by without calling our mothers… Just that we smile at our children and don't hit them in public (and I'm talking about beating them up, because if you hit them and they think you're educating them, it's also worth it), We are already Supermen, we are already Superpadres.

Video: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do By Amy Morin - Animated Book Review (July 2024).