Your children will eat vegetables better with these vegetable muffins

Although vegetable purees are one of the first things our children eat, when they grow a little it seems that it is difficult for them to eat such healthy and convenient foods for their health. That is why we have looked for a solution: Your children will eat vegetables better with these vegetable muffins.

Using the vegetables you have at home, such as carrots, zucchini, leek, onion or whatever you find in the fridge, you can prepare this simple recipe for them to enjoy while eating healthy. And the good thing is that it doesn't give any work.

Ingredients for 6 small vegetable muffins

  • 1 carrot, 1/2 zucchini, 1 onion, 1/2 leek, 2 eggs, 100 ml of liquid cream, salt and extra virgin olive oil

How to make vegetable muffins

Our first task is to chop the vegetables that we are going to use. I do not hair the zucchini but if you prefer you can do it. The mixture of zucchini, leek, onion and carrot the kids usually like it a lot, but you can use whatever you have on hand, such as pumpkin, turnip, potato or whatever suits you best.

Once all chopped into pieces of similar size, sauté in a pan with olive oil, set on high heat. So we will get the vegetables do not cook but stay a little al dente.


We beat two eggs with the cream and put a spoonful of the mixture in the bottom of the muffin molds. After stuffed with sauteed vegetables and cover with more egg and cream mixture until reaching the edge.

We bake at water bath, putting the muffins on a baking sheet full of water and leave them curd at 180º for about 45 minutes. You will notice that they are when you start to tumble like a cupcake. We take out of the mold and ready to take to the table.

Processing time | One hour
Difficulty | Easy


The vegetable muffins They are ideal for children to get used to enjoying vegetable dishes. You can give them alone, or accompanied by a little tomato sauce, if they like it. With its flower shape and its color, you will surely enjoy them. And if they are left, they are also very cold.

Video: Spinach & Cheese Lunchbox Muffins. Healthy Lunch for Kids (July 2024).