We finally know why she died giving birth to the defender of childbirth at home that has died hundreds of times

It is possible, if you have ever told someone that you are considering the possibility of giving birth at home, that they have answered something like this: "Are you crazy? Is it that you have not heard that recently the defender of births at home died while giving birth?".

And although Caroline lovell He died four years ago, it is always "recently," and that is why he is said to have died hundreds of times, if not thousands. Well, his case is known and sounded and the funny thing is that it was not clear why he died until now the coroner has finally shed light on the case: We already know why she died giving birth to the defender of home birth who has died hundreds of times.

Caroline suffered a hemorrhage that nobody knew how to see

Already in March we told you that the most plausible hypothesis considered the possibility that everything was due to hemorrhage.

Now the coroner in charge of the case has confirmed it: Caroline Lovell, a home birth advocate (not "the home birth advocate") who fought to get women to choose whether to go to the hospital or give birth in their homes , with the same professionals, He died because he suffered a hemorrhage.

Apparently, after giving birth in the bathtub, the midwife who attended her, Gaye DemanueleHe gave his baby to be with her, in his arms, and stay together for as long as it took. That time was in the water, in the bathtub where everything had happened, in the same conditions in which it gave birth: a room with low light.

And precisely because it was in low light conditions, in the water, neither the matron nor she realized that she was bleeding.

When an hour later wanted to stand up passed out. When he regained his senses, he asked for an ambulance to be called, because he was very bad ... but the midwife did not do so and considered it better to give him a rescue dose of a homeopathic remedy for anxiety.

A while later he lost consciousness again, but this time because of the cardiac arrest. The midwife initiated the resuscitation maneuvers, notified the ambulance and although she was taken to the hospital, 12 hours later she died.

If I had turned on the light ...

The coroner suggests that everything would have been very different if the matron had turned on the light. If he had turned it on or if he had sent the mother out to check her out of the water. Or if he had taken into account that already in the previous delivery he had suffered bleeding and not only had he thought about the possibility that it would happen again, but that he had taken measures to prevent it.

What measures? For the same ones that are carried out in a hospital when there is a hemorrhage, or when it is intended to be avoided: oxytocin is given so that the uterus is contracted, uterine massage is done for the same purpose or even the placenta is manually removed to prevent there is still bleeding. I could have done all this and then, if necessary, move her to the hospital, and Lovell would not have died.

And if I hadn't thrown away the water ...

Four years since death and now is when we know the truth, all because she is already in the hospital, Gaye Demanuele returned home and emptied the bathtub. He threw the water, and threw away the blood, and so the amount of blood he had lost could never be evidenced. Because of this, for so long, people have used Caroline Lovell's death to give strength to the discourse contrary to home birth.

Now that the truth is known, and that we know she would be alive if she had received the right attention, no one can continue talking about it for that purpose. That they make use of other arguments to defend hospital birth, that there are, just as there are arguments to defend birth at home, but Let the name of this woman rest once and for allThe only thing he did was try to have a birth in which he felt heard, respected and well treated.

Video: DONT Name Change your Horse in Minecraft to this. . - Part 13 (May 2024).