An elite athlete shows the marks that pregnancies have left on her belly

It is capable of finishing a half marathon in less than an hour and ten minutes and yet not holding the pee. His body changed after his two pregnancies and the footprint remains in a series of marks and signs that not only does not hide, but shows normally.

His name is Stephanie Rothstein Bruce, is an elite athlete and takes a while showing the marks that pregnancies have left on her belly to show what happens in some cases after being a mother.

Training for the Olympic games

He is currently training to try to qualify for the Olympic games, while taking care of their children of 21 and 6 months. In his training, he obviously alternates running with toning exercises, and although he realizes that his abdomen has been aesthetically touched, the intention is above all to restore the strength he had before.

As he comments on his Instagram account, when he looks down he sees stretch marks that are there to stay forever, some abdominal muscles that need continuous reinforcement, legs prepared for long distances and feet ready to fly.

And he shares it, as we read in DailyMail, because he wants to explain to mothers and future mothers, through his photos, that he can fight again for dreams, have great goals, even being mothers, with imperfections of those that nobody should be ashamed of and having, above all, self confidence.

What is abdominal diastasis?

Train as the most, run like never before, but the pee occasionally escapes ... it is one of the symptoms of abdominal diastasis, as is the belly that remains after giving birth, as bulky, and the skin as leftover.

It happens in a large number of women after childbirth and is due to a bad return of the tissues to their original position after pregnancy In the abdomen we have the so-called straight muscles, which are connected by connective tissue. In the third trimester, due to the obvious size of the belly, both muscles are separated, and at birth the baby returns to their natural position so that they return to their abdominal wall support function.

When this does not happen normally, when they are separated, then the woman's belly is as if it were protruding, causing incontinence, back pain or constipation. Sometimes it does not give any of these symptoms and is simply aesthetic, but in any case it is interesting to help the abdominal muscles return to their position so that redo your support function.

How to make everything return to your site? With specific exercises and a special girdle (you can read more here). And that's what she is doing now, trying to recover her abdominal function to help her support her body to run better and, incidentally, solve the issue of incontinence.

Video: CHARLES R. POLIQUIN - STRENGTH SENSEI PART 12. London Real (July 2024).