Heroes in Harley: a biker patrol protects children from child abuse

Like some genuine leather and studs justices biker patrol The Bikers Against Child Abuse International (BACA) organization has the mission of protect children from child abuse.

Not only do they protect them physically, intimidating anyone who intends to approach the child with bad intentions, but they enable them to prevent them from falling into silence, fear and helplessness.

They are a kind of sentinels of children who suffer bullying or any other type of abuse. They guard their house or their way from school to home to defend them against stalkers. They are there to accompany the child who is afraid to go out and play in the street. Your goal they say is give them courage, love and affection so that children who have suffered abuse feel safe and protected.

Bullying is a form of violence on many occasions derived from the same violent behaviors in which many children and young people live and also to the conditions of inequality in their environment. And it is that violence leads to violence.

Of course, other measures must also be put in place to deal with bullying, but the story of some heroes in Harley that after their appearance of hard men are a piece of bread.

Video: Musk bikers escort injured mate home (July 2024).