The best posts on parenting of 2015

There is less to finish the year and as usual at this time, it is time to take stock of the most outstanding contents that we have published in Babies and more during the last twelve months.

We are collecting the most important topics and today we look back to offer you the best posts on parenting of the year 2015. Did you miss any? Now is the opportunity to review them.

Four ways to teach children empathy

What is empathy, how to teach it and be an example for our children or name emotions are some points discussed in this article. In it we will discover tasks that every father or mother should carry out so that our children are empathic people, know how to put yourself in the place of the other and be happier.

The real reasons why parents shout at children

Even if the parents are clear that they want to carry out a respectful upbringing with their children, on many occasions we cannot avoid yelling at them on occasion. Reflect on the real reasons for the screams It can make us think about it the next time we're going to raise our children's voices.

The absurd mothers' war in a fun video

We now turn to a video that will outline more than one smile. The mothers' war is absurd and this video makes a parody of the "clashes" between those who defend the carriage or the stroller, cloth diapers or disposables,

What kind of mother are you? A funny video shows us the extremes

We have another fun video in which we see two extremes that show us other different types of mother in terms of hygiene and protection of children: from excessive and sickly control to total unconcern. Like so many times, in the middle we will find the balance ... You on which side of the scale are you?

A couple of lesbian moms makes viral the images of how they created their family

Children can grow up and can be raised in many types of families and here we have the story of a very special one. Melanie and Vanessa Iris Roy, from the United States, told his story to become mothers and it became viral, inspiring many people.

14 reasons why you should have more than one child

Are you in that phase when you consider whether to increase the family or not? This article can help you, since it presents 14 reasons to have more children, from the deepest to the most "practical", you will surely find a good reason ... and willing to increase the birth rate!

27 things children should know at age 12 (and better know them for you)

In this post we talk about friendship, machismo, drugs, sex, happiness ... Important topics that children should know before they grow up too much and, of course, better know them by their parents. Which of these 27 issues do you consider essential?

A study confirms that children behave worse with mothers than with other adults

It was a false study, as we confirmed two days after publishing it, but do not miss what he said because almost everything seemed real, or does it happen to you that your children behave better when they are in the company of other adults?

Why in Japan children sleep up to 6 years with parents and become independent for the day

Although they should ask themselves why we don't sleep with our children, it usually happens the other way around and this article gives an answer. Sleeping with children is a very common practice throughout the world throughout history and here we talk about a country, a culture, where they have never stopped doing it, Japan.

Seven powerful reasons why you should never hit a child

Without losing control it is possible to educate, but much of society still accepts or allows physical punishment of children. But we offer you powerful reasons why we should not hit children, a reprehensible practice that can cause both physical and psychological consequences in children. There are alternatives to cheek, you can educate without pasting.

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Video: TOP 50 Funniest Tweets on PARENTING Parents VS Kids. Alonzo Lerone (July 2024).