Can not pregnant women work? They insult her for giving the 35-week time

Katie Fehlinger She is the weather girl of the Philadelphia CBS channel for a long time and one day what happened to many women happened: got pregnant (How daring!) He wanted the luck that it was not a baby, but two, because he waits for two twins, and he wanted the fate that she would be well even now, being 35 weeks, in what could be called the final stretch of her pregnancy.

How to explain the time you are going to do is not that it is a particularly physical or exhausting work, continue with it as every day, explaining it in the same way as always, but with your logical belly taking into account that two are coming and that you have little left. And little is what she was going to expect that could generate the mockery and complaints of some people, that they decided to insult her for her image on television.

Insults on your Facebook page

As they tell us on ABC, people started to come to their Facebook page to complain, saying that it looked like a "sausage sausage", that its image was "unpleasant" and even more unpleasant things like "it is disgusting to take your pregnancy on screen ".

At first, he chose to ignore the criticism because it is already known, everywhere there are undesirable people. However, as the messages kept coming full of insults, decided to respond with a message that soon achieved thousands of support (now there are more than 74,000 likes):

A message for enemies ...
Hey people! Again, I have something to get something from inside me. I understand that the nature of my work makes me an easy target for criticism. I will always understand it that way and I will always devote myself to simply ignoring them. However, after someone called me "sausage sausage" and another said that "it is disgusting to take your pregnancy on screen," I felt the need to write about it.
That everyone has their own opinion is important, but so are manners. And while unpleasant comments like these never make me feel the need to change anything about myself, I have seen that there is a major underlying problem here. These nasty insults turned to a pregnant woman.
So this little manifesto is dedicated to all the mothers out there and other future pregnant mothers, mothers who read this while their children play on the swings, mothers whose children have long been to college ...
You're beautiful.
Even with the most uncomfortable (and less glamorous) symptoms of a pregnancy, any woman who is at the time to bring her precious children to this world is simply INCREDIBLE, and should be encouraged.
Honestly, I don't care how "terrible" or "inappropriate" my physique seems to anyone. I would win up to 100 kilos willingly and suffer insomnia and uncomfortable nights if that allowed me to give birth to two healthy girls. This goes beyond aesthetics. I want my babies to have the best possible start and that means that my belly that "looks like it's going to explode" will continue to grow in the coming weeks.
And we will raise a Shirley Temple (alcohol-free cocktail) to swollen feet, stretch marks, nausea, all the extra kilos and dark circles. They are maternity medals. And for those of you who think it's disgusting, remember that a woman went through the same thing to bring you into the world.
Meanwhile, let's all remember the lesson that Mom taught us: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.

And I suppose that we all stay with that: people must think that they came from Paris wrapped in a rag, carried by a stork. Either that or they have never seen a pregnant woman, or they have not received enough education to respect others for their differences, or for their circumstances. Because come on, if you had to listen to them, if it were for them, you would have hide pregnant women at home, it wasn't that someone saw their bellies and felt disgusted.

Is that we go, this goes from bad to worse. Before they were nursing mothers, who bothered to breastfeed in public. Now they are pregnant, who do not hide their enormous bellies. What will be the following?

Video: 'Ive Been Pregnant Approximately Three Years, Seven Months' (June 2024).