The power of instinct: the newborn looks for the mother's breast to breastfeed

It is a practice that should be done in all hospitals as soon as the baby is born. It is known as Breast Crawl or crawling and is a sample of the enormous instinct power with which babies come into the world. They are small and helpless, but they are born knowing exactly what to do: if you place it on the naked mother's body the newborn looks for the breast to breastfeed Without any help.

Like other mammals, just after leaving the mother's womb and practically unable to see, the baby, only guided by the mother's smell, crawls through the mother's womb until she reaches the nipple and begins to suck. Is not it wonderful?

Is the most natural and logical method to start breastfeeding In the first hours of life, a sacred moment for mother and baby. The baby crawls to feed for the first time as if it were an expert. It is the ideal time to favor the mother-child imprint since the baby is very receptive, with the instinct to the surface, and the mother also, due to the important discharge of oxytocin, the love hormone, secreted during delivery.

Trying it should be a wonderful experience for both of you. You just have to lie down and place your naked baby on your body, also naked, at the height of your abdomen. He will only go up with the help of his feet and arms until he reaches chest height, where he will opt for one of the two breasts. You don't have to do anything to guide him, just whisper, caress him and enjoy that special moment. Of course, take care at all times that the baby does not roll and can fall to one side.

As we mentioned, it is a highly recommended practice to start breastfeeding, as well as to give another opportunity to the infant who clings badly to the breast. Have you tried it? We would like to know your experience.

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Breast Crawl: the newborn looks for his mother's breast to breastfeed