The mayor who is news for living a "domestic crisis" with his children live on the radio

"Do not you run out of milk?", "I do not want more", "I have dropped!", "It does not give you time", "I have stained" or "He took my cookies" are some of the daily scenes of family breakfasts. Surely you can add more phrases to the repertoire of those moments, usually not as idyllic as those in the ads.

Well, one of those situations came out of the family and could be heard a few days ago on the radio, live, in an interview with the new mayor of A Coruña, Xilo Ferreiro. Y the mayor is news for living a "domestic crisis" with his children live on the radio.

He was interviewed in the morning at Cadena Ser, when in the background he began to hear the bereaved crying of a child, who was complaining about breakfast. Ferrero, weathering the storm quite well, told the interviewer: "Excuse me, Pepa. I have a little mess here at home" and she replied that they were going to have to leave that political conversation to attend to domestic life.

The problem remained in the background, the mayor's boy complained about the breakfast milk, but in the face of attempts to reassure them of the mayor, the "crisis" continued. Then we would find out that his little son threw the glass of milk at his eldest daughter and that caused a conflict that he had to resolve as quickly as he could.

This scene, which you have probably lived in the first person at some time (although without an interview in between), has come out as news in several local and national media, as well as on the website of the Cadena Ser, which is where this anecdote happened and from where you can listen to it. In addition, the mayor went on television to comment on the curious episode in a fun interview in La Sexta. In this video of the interview in "The Intermediate" is included "the moment breakfast":

Jokingly, the mayor says he solved it using "the corner of thinking" and that he for his children sure represents "the caste." This a posteriori, sure that a bad drink went live, with that important interview in between, but remained calm, it cannot be denied. I don't know how I would have reacted!

It must have felt like when our partner Armando was interviewed for El País and similar scenes happened to him, I like to make them public anecdotes of this kind that normalize the image of parents who care for their children. I like to know how men reconcile and not only women, to know that the mayor would take their children to school before starting work.

The figure of this politician is more humanized, closer, more real. Have you seen many politicians with their children in everyday scenes? Can you imagine "the big ones" in a similar situation?

The truth is that I think the empathy we feel for this anecdote is that we feel close, it draws a smile, because we also believe that children were probably advised that they had to be calm, that Dad had an important interview. But those warnings don't work when there are those brothers coexistence so rich and unstoppable. Without the dad in front, "Vía libre!", They must have thought.

Of course, the fact that the news about a new mayor is a live domestic crisis on the radio and do not deal with corruption, resignations, accusations, mismanagement, offensive comments and other "crises" because I also like it. That all are domestic crises like these, many will think ...

Video: WATCH LIVE: Philadelphia mayor and police chief hold news conference about hourslong standoff (July 2024).