The model "pregnant without a belly" poses 4 days after giving birth

Is called Sarah Stage, is a model and a little more than a month ago she became famous not for her work as a model, but for being pregnant for almost eight months and wearing a tiny belly. He left all his followers, and those we knew by other means, surprised because even pregnant looked abdominal.

As we said at the time, although it is not usual, it was a possible option, as there are women who have incredibly bulky pregnancies. And eye, that the baby was not exactly small, because it measured 55 centimeters and weighed 3,800 kg. Now, four days after giving birth and continuing with the usual tonic on his Instagram She has returned to pose a little clothes and we see that it is as we expected, with hardly any belly.

Knowing your baby

You have also shared an image of your baby:

As he explains in the texts that accompany the images he shares his son's name is James Hunter and she is already planning to exercise again in 5 weeks. Apparently he gained a total of 12 kilos during pregnancy and does not want to take long to lose them, although seeing the physicist who is sure that it will not take long to do so.

And the fat needed to breastfeed and take care of your baby?

As we saw a few months ago, the fat that women accumulate in the thighs and buttocks has the mission of becoming part of breast milk, once a mother, and being a kind of "pantry" to care for the baby. Something like if the body said "I know you will sleep poorly, I know you will spend energy breastfeeding and I know that you will walk all day behind your son, so it is better that you have some reservations."


What will happen when you start exercising and lose those kilos you gained to take care of your baby? Well, I do not know, because I am not sure that she is going to breastfeed (I am not sure otherwise, eye), nor am I sure that she will run a lot behind her baby. And in any case, your profession requires you to be very thin and the fact of not losing those kilos could mean less work and less cache (sad, but true). Come on, I don't think you care much about losing them, especially when you're looking forward to getting rid of them.

Photos | Sarah Stage
Via | Viewer
In Babies and more | How is the belly after childbirth, Use a girdle after childbirth, yes or no ?, Well yes: recent moms have a belly

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