Is it advisable to drink carbonated water during pregnancy?

Although it is not commonly consumed in Spain, it is very common in other countries. It may be one of your customs: drink mineral water with bottled gas. Today we want to answer a question regarding the health of pregnant women: Is it advisable to drink carbonated water during pregnancy?

Regarding the amount of calories, it is non-existent in all types of mineral water. But there are different types of sparkling water, and this time we have to look at its sodium content. Because, unlike non-carbonated water, many types of carbonated water increase the amount of sodium to levels that are sometimes not advisable.

For example, if the pregnant woman suffers from hypertension or edema, you should discard the waters with gas with high sodium content, that is, with 200 mg per liter or more of sodium. If they have less than 20 mg of sodium per liter, they can be consumed even when hyposodic diets are recommended. Between 20 and 100 mg per liter of the mineral, the consumption of that water must be moderate.

And it is that carbonated water is sometimes one of the drinks that contain the most sodium, so we must be careful if we find ourselves in the cases mentioned above.

On the other hand, if the pregnant woman suffers from aerophagia or flatulence (one of the most embarrassing discomforts of this stage), she must know that consuming this type of water, as well as any other soft drink, worsens this annoying symptom that is the gases, together to gastrointestinal pain and abdominal swelling associated.

But if we don't have gas problems or if we do not have hypertension or edema, drinking carbonated water during pregnancy is a matter of tasteEven gasification, that is, the content of carbonic acid, stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, so that it facilitates digestion, which sometimes becomes difficult in pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy Myth Buster (July 2024).