Mexican chicken and veal fajitas. Recipe

The other day I had a chicken steak and a beef steak at home and some vegetables in the pantry. With so few ingredients, I prepared a delicious dinner for two, consisting of some Mexican chicken and beef fajitas They were so good that I wanted to show them to you when you're in a situation similar to mine.

With those amounts it was enough to make two fajitas of each class, so that each one had dinner one of meat and another of chicken, so you can imagine how much this way of cooking spreads. Further, if you do not use spicy, the recipe is also suitable for pregnant women and children.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 4 Mexican corn tortillas, 1 chicken breast, 1 beef steak, 1 onion, 1 leek, 1 green pepper, 1 carrot, paprika de la Vera, spices or Mexican seasoning, 1 jar of thistle mushrooms. Optionally, jalapeños or hot peppers
  • How to make Mexican chicken and veal fajitas

    We start chopping the vegetables in a very fine julienne and then sauté them in the pan with two tablespoons of olive oil over high heat to make them quick. It is important to cut the onion, leek and pepper as thin as you can. We skip them and divide them into two halves.

    While the vegetables are cooking, we cut the chicken breast fillet and the veal fillet into strips. To make it easy, you can roll each steak forming a cylinder and then cut thin discs that when unrolled remain in perfect strips.

    In half of the vegetables, add the chicken, a dash of soy sauce and a pinch of Mexican seasoning. You can also add a spoonful of fried tomato if you want. In the other half of the vegetables we add the beef steak, the mushrooms cut in pieces, the paprika and a little more of Mexican seasoning. Saute each ingredient until the meats change color.

    We spend the Mexican corn tortillas for a couple of minutes on the iron so they are hot and flexible and we distribute each of the pans with the corresponding mixture in two tortillas, thus obtaining two veal and two chicken. We serve immediately.

    Processing time | 20 minutes
    Difficulty | Very easy


    The Mexican chicken and beef fajitas They are a delicious dish that serves both to give way to traces of dishes that we have and to improvise a fun dinner without complicating our lives. Without abusing spicy or spices, it can be an excellent choice for the whole family.

    Video: The Best Mexican Chicken Fajitas Recipe- Cooking Chicken Fajitas My Way (June 2024).