We are excited about the pride and happiness of a father because his daughter is a model

When we become parents in our mind dreams, expectations and desires related to our children appear. We want them to be happy, to be humble, respectful, good people, ... to be proud of us and make us proud of them, and on this road, on a journey that begins when your child is born, but does not have a Clear end, because we are parents all our lives, we try to help them make all that happen.

Something like that is what Enrique Burgos (and his wife) has done, which a few days ago published the news that his daughter, Clara, I could already say I was a model. We liked the entrance so much, we thought it was such an inspiring story, that we have decided to talk about it, about pride and happiness of a father because his daughter is a model.

What's so special about your daughter being a model?

Well, actually, the fact that a child poses for a clothing catalog does not know if it is something really special. Many children do it often and that is not why we dedicate a blog entry to them. But nevertheless, Clara has Down syndrome, and that does seem important to us.

According to Enrique in Medium, he has only participated once as a model, and I could almost say that it happened by chance. They have two older children and have never presented them for any casting, nor would they do with Clara. However, one day Bethlehem, his wife, arrived and said: "Quique, the brand of clothes and the doll so beautiful that I bought a few weeks ago has published on their social networks that they do a casting for children up to 2 years ..., am I very crazy if I send you a picture of Clara?".

And what can be the response of a father who loves his daughter madly ?: "Of course you are not crazy! We must send it and see if they bet on the special, the different and the beautiful, because Clara is the prettiest, right?"

And what they did not expect to happen happened. The people in charge of BelandSoph bet on Clara, decided that she should be part of the online catalog of her brand and the girl acted as a model for a day.

And why not?

If you look, I have said that a father who loves his daughter madly should answer a "yes" or a "why not?" And eye, the intention is not to judge anyone in this regard, much less, because there will be other parents (who also love their children madly, with or without Down Syndrome) who prefer to say no, for whatever reason , and it doesn't have to be a bad decision. But why not? Is Clara not a child anymore? Don't you also deserve to participate in things like that or have at least the same opportunities?

The gesture of BelandSoph It is very beautiful towards Clara's family, towards Clara herself, who can always say that one day she was a model (or more, who knows if it will not be the last time), but beautiful and important, above all, in the face of society . Six years ago we told you that Down syndrome is disappearing. One may think that it is hopeful news, the result of technological advances that make women manage babies without the aforementioned syndrome. But it's not like that. If it is disappearing it is because couples are aborting more and more. After suspicion, amniocentesis is performed, and after being confirmed, 95% decide to abort.

That's why we talk about Clara today, because she's here, in the world, with all the other children, and she's one more. Because it is a model and because it is different from others, as we are all, at different levels, different. We are so used to looking for things that make us equal, or similar, and to accept ourselves based on them, that sometimes we forget the ones that make us unique.

Clara's story

Enrique and Belén decided to talk about Clara a few months ago and, through the same medium, shared photos and videos. In their particular struggle to raise awareness among others, to try to normalize Down Syndrome and to try to make their daughter live in a better world, they explained how her story was, with her joys, with her sorrows, with laughter and with tears.

I recommend that you know the story and, above all, that you listen to the words of the parents, from your position as fathers and mothers. Hear your mother say grateful that "Being Clara's mother is what I have done best, what I do best" is very exciting. Hearing everything they say will make sure many people start seeing Clara and all the people with Down Syndrome, in another way.

Finally, I leave you with Enrique's words in that post to which I refer:

If you are reading our little story and just found out that your child has Down Syndrome, I can only tell you one thing: do not be overwhelmed, do not worry, do not be sad; Your little one will be fine, he will be the most beloved being in the world, he will give much love and he will do everything you want him to do and everything that motivates him to do. Yes, it will be slower than average, but it will be, it will not be an easy path, but it will be achieved and that will make you the happiest person in the world.

Photos | Patricia Semir
In Babies and more | Anna's blog, 'Life is not about chromosomes': great campaign on Down Syndrome. Without differences., To the future mother of a child with Down syndrome: "Your child can be happy"

Video: daughter (July 2024).