Sporty Girls, the new Zara Kids lookbook for sports girls

A few days ago we talked about the new sports trend for the little ones. The Spanish firm Zara also joins the initiative to design sportswear for children. The brand has just launched a line of sportswear for girls. Perfect technical garments to practice any sport or for the gymnastics classes of the school.

The new Zara Sporty Girls line goes from size 5 to 14. In it we can find combined shorts, windproof jackets, technical tank tops and short sleeves, short and long leggings, sneakers, sports bags, tops ... The garments go in gray, black, white and pink tones. Lots of clothes so girls can practice your favorite sports with total comfort and with a point fashion

See full gallery »Sporty Girls, the new Zara Kids lookbook for sports girls (26 photos)

Video: Sporty Outfits (June 2024).