Six things you should teach to love your child

Parents have a huge influence on our children and using it well is essential to give them the tools they need to grow as a balanced and happy person. And the most important thing we are going to teach you is love in all its dimensions. And here are my six tips on the things we should teach them to love our children.

More than complicated recipes and psychological theories that seem necessary to have a guide or do a master's degree, education is something much simpler for what human beings, if we overcome our prejudices and bad habits, we are prepared to do. Just have common sense and empathy.

The key to education is love. Love that is born within oneself and extends to our environment. Teaching to love, to respect, to appreciate the good things in life and to value them, is the first duty that every father and mother would have to propose.

And like all the important things that children learn, what really has an impact on them is not what we say, nor complex rules, much less authoritarianism or punishment. What makes children learn from us is, first and foremost, our example. What we believe is important for them must be done and shown in our own lives.

With the example and good communication much of the way will be done, the possible problems will be minimized and can be solved in a climate of trust and mutual respect. Our children, through the love received and assimilated, will be people full of love to give and transmit.

Let them know they are loved

The most powerful is that our children know and feel loved. Give them love without limits, hugs without measure, kisses and cuddles, many caresses, active listening, attention when they ask for it and when they need it.

Do not deny them your company and comfort, day and night too. Do not download your frustration on them. Tell them how much you love them, that you will always be by their side. Treat them as you wish to be treated by those who love you and you will see how the security of knowing oneself dear, valued and important causes true love to be born in them.

Love themselves

The love and acceptance that parents offer will be the basis of their self-esteem. Self love is indispensableWell, they will understand that they are valid and valuable, that they deserve to be treated with respect and not endure harmful relationships or treatment. With confidence in themselves they will face the challenges and difficulties of life with the best tool that exists.

And since children assimilate what we transmit to them, we must always let them know that we believe in them and in their capacity, and that no one has the right to harm them, or ourselves.

Love your body

Caring for our body is loving it. Knowing that our body is, by nature, healthy and beautiful, helps them feel much safer and avoid feeling bad if someone wants to convey pressure on an artificial or harmful image. In addition, taking care of the body implies feeding it correctly and balanced, giving it the exercise and the outdoors that it needs and, in the future, fleeing from dangerous addictions.

And that, like everything else, we are going to teach him by our example, avoiding making unpleasant comments about the appearance of others and leading a healthy life, with exercise, health care and food.

Love knowledge

Children are extraordinarily curious and want to know and discover everything about the world around them. That's the love of knowledge and they bring it as standard. Actually, if we respect their rhythms and interests, accompanying them rather than forcing them, that love of knowledge will survive. All learning should be happy and born of personal motivation, something that in younger children is evident but that is sometimes lethargic by an overly rigid education. We must answer your questions, show you new areas of knowledge and enjoy them by your side.

In addition, for children to love in knowledge, we, their parents, must do so too. Showing ourselves as motivated, creative people, with a critical spirit, with a permanent desire to learn new things and with a wide range of interests, we convey that knowledge is something wonderful.

Love nature

Caring for our environment is very important for the future of the human species and for others as well. And it will depend largely on how the next generation behaves. In addition, as living beings, our place is Nature and being in it harmoniously produces great happiness. Appreciate it, respect it and know how to enjoy Nature It will help them to be more balanced and healthy people. We are also the parents responsible for it with our example.

Love other people

And of course there is no doubt that love other people It is one of the experiences that give more meaning to our lives and that gives us the greatest happiness. Our way of treating them and treating other people, with respect and with a love without violence or dominance, is a vital teaching.

The ability to love and, above all, to love well, without wanting to own or dominate, is something that our children deserve to learn and experience, linking again with the first thing I told you, loving them without measure is the best teaching about love possible . With this I finish my six tips on the things you should teach your children to love.

Video: 8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son (July 2024).