Dad: this is how you should spend time with your children to develop a stronger bond with them

The bond between mothers and children is one that begins since the baby is in his mother's belly, and that is growing strong and powerful from the moment of birth. And while it is one of the most important links for the baby, so is the bond they will have with their father.

But what is the best way to form a strong bond with the children being a father? According to a recent study, The key to developing a strong bond between father and children, is how times are distributed and the type of activities with them.

Published in the magazine Journal of Family Psychology, the study conducted by the University of Georgia analyzed the interactions of 80 parents with their three-year-old children, with the purpose of define what kind of activities and how much time to live together was better to create a strong bond between them.

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The research team conducted interviews and analyzed videos that were taken at home of the interactions between parents and children, to evaluate them and assign a score indicating the safety of attachment.

In principle, the study revealed that both the type of activities (such as caring for children and playing with them) and the moment they were made (on work days and rest days) had an impact on the quality of the beginning of the relationship between parents and children.

According to the results of the investigation, parents who choose to spend more time with their children on non-working days formed a stronger bond with them, and that these days in particular, fun and child-centered activities were the most effective in strengthening it.

On the other hand, they also found that those parents who spent much of their time supporting or carrying out childcare activities on the days they left home to work, they developed the best relationships with their children.

According to the researchers, this starts from the very nature of children, which they form an emotional bond with the people who care for them, as well as keeping them safe, they provide security and comfort, and help them learn how relationships with other people should work.

Geoffrey Brown, author of the study, says that with this research they try to understand how the connection between work life and family life works, and how it helps parents build their role:

"It is clear that there are different contexts for family time. Relying too much on the game during work days, when your child / partner needs the father with care, could be problematic. But playing seems more important when there is more time and less pressure"he says.

Why should parents spend more time with their children

On other occasions we have talked about the importance of the role of the father in the development and growth of the children, and it is recommended that a strong bond be formed with them from an early age, something that will certainly be achieved by spending more time with them and getting involved in parenting.

In addition, spending time with them is beneficial for children, because according to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), parents have to spend a lot of time with their children. because by their way of playing and interacting with them they provide many benefits, how to positively affect your language and mental health.

Other studies have found that babies of parents who are involved in parenting learn faster and that we even know that the brain of man changes when caring for children, getting to feel the same bond and the same concern that mothers feel.

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In conclusion, sharing time together is extremely important for parents and children, and according to this new study, taking care of them on a day-to-day basis and engaging in fun activities on rest days are the key to forming a strong bond between them..

Video: 8 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son (May 2024).