Moms bloggers: Estanjana visits us, from the Yo madre blog

There is less and less for Mother's Day to arrive and following the initiative we started a few days ago with the Special Moms bloggers Today we are going to interview another great mom.

Known as Estanjana, Esther is 34 years old and has left us her experiences for four years in the blog Yo madre (I am more than a mom). He has two children: "Estanjanito" of five years and "Estanjanita" of one month. He worked as a technical architect but does not currently practice.

She is Catalan by birth and Cantabrian of adoption, she is happily "reunited" with "Estanjano" (living in sin as some would say) and with a stepdaughter (although she doesn't like the term), which makes them a large family when they get together. She loves to travel, decoration and fashion, she is addicted to bags, shoes and chocolate. Let's meet her a little more.

What led you to start a blog?

I was looking for something, I did not know very well what, my son was just over a year old, I kept breastfeeding and we were collecting (come on, I practiced what I later discovered was attachment breeding, natural parenting ... there are several terms to describe it ).

I needed to find something that told me that it was okay to listen to my instinct, I was looking for help with complementary feeding and information about activities for their age. And zas! I went to a blog that talked about breastfeeding, its prolongation, an upbringing similar to mine and from there to see more maternity blogs with similar terms. I got the bug of writing what I felt and the adventures I went through as a mother and it began.

What has the blog contributed to you?

It has helped me, first, to meet people with the same doubts, feelings and thoughts and, second, to create a family with several blogging moms with whom I gained confidence, commenting on doubts, problems, staying and making lasting friendships. And having many cybersobrinos!

How has motherhood changed you?

It has made me grow inwardly, improve in many things, as in the way of seeing life and giving importance to small things like a smile at the end of a hard day. Leave the self aside and be a us, with all the consequences, both the "bad" and all the fun involved in having children (which I really love), as well as the good, that you know you're never alone, for example .

I have learned a lot, for example, that I love being a mother, as hard as it may be one day, being a mother gives you the possibility that a "bullshit" of your son will make you forget everything bad. I live for my family but also thanks to them while remaining an "independent" woman, hence my blog is subtitled "I am more than a mom".

Congratulations on your recent motherhood, which has taken place in somewhat "atypical" circumstances. How it happened?

Thank you! I woke up at dawn due to a contraction, I did not plan to move because I knew that it didn't have to mean anything, but as I broke waters I noticed the wet panties, so I got up to change. The contractions began to happen and I decided to stay in the hall to pass the first contractions and the expansion in the Swiss ball.

I took the opportunity to iron and finish putting the last things in the briefcases. When the contractions seemed to be regular, about two hours, I went into the shower. When I got out, the shower had to relax me, because the contractions got together in time and were stronger, I told the man to get ready to go to the hospital.

I began to pass the contractions clinging to the bed, more and more crouching. I ended up next to the bed, on my knees, grabbing the Nordic, and shouting at a man from the street to call 112 why I noticed the girl's head and wanted to push. At that moment I knew that I would have my daughter at home.

It is a moment that I would not change for anything because I lived bringing a little person into the world with the person I want, in privacy

I was calm, I knew what could happen and I felt the owner of all that, I felt strong, powerful. I told my husband to bring towels, screaming between contractions, and that he should take the girl's body. He got on his knees behind me and in two bids we had our daughter here, he put it on me and covered it with one of the towels (which we have stored as gold cloth).

Then he ran to call 112 again, to tell his brother, who was already arriving home, and a little boy, who spent a moment in the room to see his little sister.

It was one of the happiest moments of my life, not as I expected (and less my partner), but I would not change it for anything.

What do you expect from an "ideal" Mother's Day?

I hope to live it with my family, with the peace of mind of being together, a day without stress and with few conflicts (the zero conflicts I don't know if it will exist, hehe). And so that it is not said, I give two options, or a day of good weather, with sun and warmth, and go for a walk, to take some rabas and not have to clean anything; or one day at home without doing almost anything in pajamas watching TV all together.

We hope you enjoy that day in any of its forms, and we thank Esther of the blog Yo madre who has been so kind in responding to the interview and sharing it with everyone at the Special Moms bloggers on the occasion of Mother's Day.

Video: Embarrassing Shopping Trip Skits - Miss Mom Vlogs : Sketch Comedy. GEM Sisters (July 2024).