The British Council and the Theaters of the Canal invite us to a meeting with Tamara Rojo

This morning I attended the Theaters of the Canal because on the occasion of the premiere of the ballet Le corsaire, and with the collaboration of British Council, have invited us to an encounter with Tamara Red. Tamara is the artistic director of English National Ballet and has been interviewed by Elna Matamoros. We remember that the English National Ballet has represented Le corsaire in the Theaters of the Canal de Madrid with great success during the last days. The work presents Conrad, a intrepid pirate, and his love for Medora, a beautiful harem girl, who has some of the best numbers of male virtuosity of the ballet repertoire. It is based on an epic poem by Lord Byron.

The meeting consisted of a series of questions from Elna as well as a final round with the audience, more than 400 people, who have listened very carefully to all the interventions of Tamara. The stage in which the act was performed has been the one of the work The Corsair from which you can see an example of the magnificent scenery in the image that illustrates the article. My goal was know what the main teaching children can get, and their parents, from Tamara and I think I've done it.

Tamara has given great importance to the effort and study to gain technique and especially to be self-disciplined. Although discipline is not enough and thus has placed much emphasis on what it is it is necessary to complement the training with varied readings and studies to get a more global knowledge and perspective. For example, he explained that of the dancers who want to access the company he directs not only value the technique, which must also be excellentIt also demands that candidates show criteria that have had to be acquired during their experience as dancers.

There was a question, from a spectator, that I really liked and that how she had managed to evolve from being a talented dancer to a manager and director of the English National Ballet. Tamara explained that there was a moment, in which his father encouraged him to do so, and decided to make the leap to management, as an evolution in his career, and for that in addition was thoroughly prepared by participating in specific training courses meeting other artistic groups in countries around the world. That knowledge in addition to her daily work is what is leading her to success as director of the English National Ballet. He also explained that when he presented himself to the vacant management position he identified the institution he directs as a sailboat with ample maneuverability and great agility to do soThat is why he defended his vision to convert the English National Ballet into an international reference group specialized in representing extraordinary works that ensure sustainability and that are also capable of transmitting the value of ballet and arouse the interest of spectators in this artistic discipline.

On the situation of ballet in Spain, he said that the students have a great technique and that perhaps what we need to become a world power in this type of discipline. And is that ballet is a great opportunity to convey emotions using the body, music and drama. Seeing Tamara's determination to consider and achieve challenges I do not rule out that one day I can turn Spain into a cultural power of ballet that enriches and complements the wide and varied existing tourist offer.

I would like to thank the British Council for the invitation to attend and to the Theaters of the Canal for allowing more than 400 ballet enthusiasts to have enjoyed and thanked Tamara's testimony that, well directed by Elna, has explained many details of her work. And it has also been very clear explaining to all the students attending the event, that work, preparation, self-discipline and effort are necessary to achieve success.

Here is the video of Tamara interviewed by Elna Matamoros:

Video: Jack and the beanstalk - Kids Stories - LearnEnglish Kids British Council (July 2024).