Extreme shyness can prevent relationships with other people

In Peques and More We have published content related to shyness. And it is that although it does not have to be a problem it can be when it is prolonged in time or when it is taken to limits that prevent the relationship with other people. The challenge is, then, to identify it, diagnose it and help the children to face it and overcome it. We parents have to build a trusted environment, without punishment, without comparisons in which some win and others lose and that facilitates security and autonomy.

Carnival is a good time to discover the shyness of children because they can hide their appearance under disguises and behave, with that new identity, differently than usual. In any case the kids who take their shyness to the extreme is clearly a serious problem because it prevents them from interacting with their surroundings and as a consequence, interacting with other people.

According to him Dr. José Cordero, medical director of Nectar Health InsuranceBeing shy is not a problem in itself because all people are, to a greater or lesser extent, shy. However, when before different social situations They can lead to high anxiety states if there may be a problem. The situations that we can observe at home and at school are those of having visits or contacts with other children, doing internships or participating in a team in class and outside of that usual environment, checking how they behave in the presence of other children. That is why children's workshops, in which parents participate, can be used to learn how the child behaves in the face of new challenges.

In any case, and as human beings have different skills, more or less developed, more or less interesting or attractive, the challenge is to identify the shortcomings and work on their improvement. According to professionals, you can only talk about a psychological problem when that social phobia prevents normal activities from day to day for fears that are not rational.

That is what we have to review at home and in the slightest doubt put ourselves in the hands of a specialist. The challenge is to foster an environment in which comparisons are not of the type of someone wins and another loses encouraging children to continue working and sharing experiences.

Video: Is it social anxiety or shyness ? Good Health FAQ (July 2024).