Colecho with the baby: sleep together to improve the relationship

If we made a trip back in time to past times, or if we simply made a trip to other countries, we would realize that sleeping with the baby is one of the things that have always been done and that are still being done in many places.

That it has always been done does not have to be a sign that he is well, because we all know about things that have been done "all his life" and now it is better not to repeat, however the colecho with the baby has more arguments in favor that, and among them is the fact that sleeping together improves the relationship with the baby.

What relationship do I have to improve? I already adore him

So that there are no misunderstandings, the fact of sleeping separately does not have to mean that there is, or will be, a bad relationship between the baby and his parents. Rather, it is about linking ties more, if possible, to take advantage of the nights to continue spending time with our son and to make him work that maxim that says that the friction makes the love.

Sharing time, also at night

Some of you may be wondering ... but what ties are going to be joined, if you are sleeping? To which I respond: "the same ones who join when a couple starts sleeping together". Imagine that I now told you that my wife and I have been sleeping apart for months. You will ask me why. You will think that we do not get along, that our relationship goes through some bump, that love has given way to custom and that the desire to be together at all times has given way to comfort, to "we sleep apart because we rest better" .

Well, something similar happens with children. Sharing the night is not just sleeping, because if not, as I say, the couples would sleep apart so as not to have to go pulling the blanket because she has taken it from you or not to have to end up in a corner because she loves to sleep diagonally.

We who have slept with our children know this well. Open your eyes and see them by your side, breathing delivered to sleep and rest, with their faces relaxed, their lips parted, their little hands touching you and their little bodies inside those hilarious and tiny pajamas is something that no father should miss.

They are not doing anything, just sleeping and, at most, seeking contact so as not to feel alone (which is not a little, eye). But you, having them there by your side, watching them while you think they are beautiful, knowing that they sleep peacefully because they are aware that you are there by their side, protecting them, you are falling in love every day a little more of them.

And those little moments, those "but my mother, what a little thing" and those enduring the desire to give them a super caramel make you love them more, that you have more with them, that by day you have a little more patience with them, that they gift those hugs that you kept at night as long as you have them by your side awake and that, in general, get along better, feel better and everything is more fluid.

The touch makes love, love promotes communication, communication generates trust, trust improves a relationship and the better a relationship, the greater the friction between people. And this also applies to our children. The more time we spend with them, even at night, the better we will get along in general and the better coexistence will be.

I still can't understand how there are parents who miss those night moments. And the worst part is that, once they have been lost, they will never have them.

Video: How to install Chicco Next2Me - Chicco - English (July 2024).