Complaints against mothers who breastfeed in public will be increasingly

Yesterday Lola told us about a mother invited to breastfeed her baby in another place in the Primark clothing store, being another case after the comment a few days ago of a mother in Texas, with video and everything, or that of the mother guest who had the same problem in a golf club.

In addition to these recent cases there are others that have been going on for some time, as well as letters to newspapers that suggest breastfeeding should be done in private. It is something that should not happen, but it happens, and it is something that will most likely increase. Complaints against women who breastfeed in public will be increasingly, and now I will tell you why.

What was normal now is not so much

Not that it has much mystery, it is a matter of logic. The last woman I saw breastfeeding a baby before my wife is a girl I saw breastfeeding her baby when I was 7 years old (if I remember correctly). And that was the third woman I saw doing it telling my mother. After her, 20 years went by until I saw my wife breastfeeding my son, so in those 20 years I got used to the habit, to see babies drinking bottles everywhere.

In fact, it seemed so normal to me that when the nurse asked Miriam if she was going to breastfeed or bottle we put on a face of "I don't know, well, breast ...", in plan, we tried breast, and if not then bottle (we had bottles at home that we had bought for that, by the time they were needed).

However, the choice made Jon take a chest and Miriam's stubbornness made her suck for a long time, and I say stubborn because a month she had impressive cracks, a terrible pain (biting handkerchiefs all month) and all for Jon to gain little weight and spend the day crying. That is, what many women say of "I will breastfeed, but if things go wrong I will give a bottle without problems", Miriam skipped it, because he suffered the unspeakable and endured, I do not know how.

A month later, the sublingual frenulum was cut off to Jon (he had a type I frenulum, which anchored his tongue from the tip, making breastfeeding very difficult) and from that day a clearing appeared in the clouds: Jon was sucking much better, it took a long time less, the shots no longer hurt and the cracks began to heal.

This is how the bottles ran out of brand new and as little by little I realized that a baby can breastfeed for as long as he wants and not only the three months in which my mother ran out of milk with me and my brothers (typical symptom of the three month crisis) and this is how breastfeeding began to be the most normal thing for me in the world. Then, moved by curiosity, I read some breastfeeding book, trained as an advisor and finally went to work in pediatrics.

The more mothers breastfeed, the more complaints there will be

Well, as normal it has been for several decades not to see women breastfeed in public and as normal it has been for babies to take a bottle it's going to cost a little for society to see normal for a mother to breastfeed her baby in the street.

It will cost, but we are in that process, because breastfeeding rates are rising. More and more mothers are breastfeeding and, consequently, there are more women who see that normal and the logical thing is for a baby to breastfeed and to do it where necessary. This makes many begin to show more, or what is the same, that start hiding less, that one thing is to have a minimum of discretion, if you want to (because there are women who prefer it that way), and another very different thing is to have to leave where you are, hold your breath to see if you become transparent along with the baby or realize that it is impossible and put a rag on so that nobody sees you, and not because you are ashamed, but because you do not want to bother.

Well being at that point where mothers are already less modest and are clear that the baby has to breastfeed wherever he asks, the number of mothers who breastfeed in public is increasing, and consequently the number of complaints, of mothers invited to go out or breastfeed elsewhere, will increase as well.

It is normal, it is something that will happen more and more until a good day, you will know when, the trend begins to diminish when considering the majority of society that that a baby sucks in a clothing store, in a museum , in a swimming pool, in a restaurant, in a cafeteria or in the middle of the street is the most normal thing in the world becauseā€¦ you will have to eat the kid!

Video: Tips for How Modest Moms Can Breastfeed More Comfortably in Public. The Sensible Mama (July 2024).