Give birth with respect: video about what should not happen in childbirth

The Catalan Association DONA llum has produced the video Give birth to respect (Give birth with respect) with the intention of causing an impact on the poor attention to which some women are subjected, about what should not happen in childbirth.

Unfortunately, for many women, the birth of a child becomes a traumatic experience instead of being something wonderful. Masked as medical practice occur abuses and abuse, a obstetric violence that should not occur at such an important time for women (or at any other time, of course).

The testimonies of the women who participate in the video are strong. A broken rib, abstinence from food and drink, immobilization in labor are stories that we often hear when we hear birth reports, but we seem accustomed to assume them as normal or necessary. Something like "if it has been like that, it will be for something."

What is intended with Give birth with respect is to show that that is not normal. The woman must have the necessary information to receive her children as she wishes and make informed decisions. He must become a protagonist, so that those abuses do not happen and his birth is an unforgettable experience, but for the great thing.

The video has the option of subtitling in Spanish or English in the toolbar, below the image on the right, in the “square”.

Video: Labor and Delivery. Childbirth. Nucleus Health (July 2024).