Take care of your skin in summer with the help of food

The skin during pregnancy can also suffer the effects of hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy, therefore, more than ever we should be careful and take care of the skin in summer with basic measures before the sun and with the help of food We eat.

The hormones during pregnancy can stimulate the production of melanin, a substance responsible for giving color to the skin, therefore, dark spots may arise in addition to the classic dryness or burns that exposure to the sun can cause.

To reduce the risk of developing skin blemishes, it is essential that you use a sunscreen with a factor of 50 or more. Also, you should not expose yourself to the sun during the hours of greatest radiation.

In addition to these basic care, a good diet can help take care of the skin in summer. For this, it is essential to achieve a good hydration, that is, drink enough liquid daily and also include foods with high aqueous and potassium content as well as sodium that improve the level of water in our body.

So, foods like fresh fruits and vegetables They are helpful, as well as the milk or the yogurt. In addition, orange fruits and vegetables as well as dark green vegetables, are rich in carotenes and vitamin A that help preserve the integrity of the skin.

To prevent skin dryness in summer, it is important in addition to hydration, to ingest vitamin C and omega 3, to obtain the first nutrient you can consume citrus fruits, red pepper, broccoli, cabbage, parsley, coriander. While to obtain omega 3 it is advisable to include well-cooked fatty fish or walnuts, flaxseed or flaxseed, soybean oil or olive

With these foods starring the diet during the summer, you can take care of your skin and protect both health inside and your beauty outside.

Video: Summer Skin Health Tips (July 2024).