At every age, his toy

In order for toys to fulfill their function, it is very important that they meet the needs and interests of the child and that they are consistent with their development, therefore, according to their evolutionary stage, the most appropriate toy should be selected.

If the toys belong to an earlier stage, the child will get bored and if on the contrary, they correspond to a higher stage, he will be distressed because he does not understand the game and does not achieve his purpose, so it is very important that at every age enjoy the toys they need.

Babies up to 6 months, are discovering their body and the world through the senses, follow the objects with their eyes, grab them, take them to their mouths, distinguish shapes and colors. It's time to play with crib mobiles, teethers, rubber dolls, activity rugs, in short, toys with different textures, sounds and colors.

From 6 to 12 months, the baby stays seated and likes to explore, drag and drop objects. The toys that attract him most are the ones that roll, like soft balls, vehicles, curlers. They also like the simple fittings and activity centers with many buttons, doors, keys, rubber books and musical toys. With 12 and 14 months they start taking their first steps, their first words and start having friends. The swings and tricycles or trawlers that parents drive will please you greatly. The games to fit, the musical instruments, the blackboards, the plasticine and of course, the dolls, will be your favorite toys.

From 2 to 3 years, they already dominate the balance and it is time to run and jump. His new skills induce him to imitate family scenes, and he will like dolls with their clothes, cribs and other utensils, toys that represent crafts, toy phones, etc. They will also show a predilection for shovels and buckets, puzzles and paintings.

When they are between 3 and 5 years old, they discover the family environment and demonstrate their feelings in the games they begin to share. Bicycles, articulated dolls, costumes, puppets and board games are a good choice.

From 5 to 6 years, curiosity and imagination are protagonists, they are also able to read, draw and write. Successful gifts can be balls, crafts, kites, remote control cars and educational memory games or questions and answers.

In addition to procuring an age-appropriate, educational, creative and ingenious toy, it must be a safe toy. Before buying it, you must ensure that you have the CE guarantee seal, which guarantees that it is manufactured following the safety standards set by the European Union.

But also, as parents, we must examine it under our critical gaze thinking about the dangers that our child could cause in particular, we each know the temperament of our little one and the risks that each game can pose for him. We must pay special attention to small parts, paintings, edges, accessible batteries ... and buy them in specialized establishments where they can advise us.

Other qualities of interest are the strength and solidity that toys must meet. If the child breaks the toy the first time he plays, it will disappoint him and will not help him assess the care of his toys.

Video: The Failure Toy - teaching the F-word to all ages (July 2024).