Passive smokers in childhood, more aggressive?

"Second-hand" smoke is that which non-smokers breathe when exposed in an environment with smoke caused by tobacco, when they smoke by their side or enter a place where they have smoked. A recent study indicates that passive smokers in childhood are more likely to be aggressive.

Regardless of whether they have been exposed to tobacco during pregnancy or their parents have a history of being antisocial, children exposed to smoke are more likely to grow physically aggressive and antisocial.

This is demonstrated by a study conducted by Canadian researchers and published in the "Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health," which states that 40% of children around the world are exposed to non-inhaled smoke directly. As the child's brain in early childhood is developing, that smoke is dangerous.

The investigation analyzed data from 2,055 children from birth to ten years of age, including reports from parents about exposure to secondhand smoke and teachers and children themselves about their behavior in class.

Children who were exposed to secondhand smoke, even temporarily, were much more likely to be more aggressive. This is indicated by the conclusions of the study:

Compared to their unexposed peers, children exposed to secondhand smoke in childhood, continuously and intermittently, showed a greater propensity for physical aggression and antisocial behavior at the end of fourth grade.

And although no direct causal relationship can be determined (does there exist in the homes of parents who smoke with their children more prone to violent behaviors?), The statistical correlation suggests that exposure to secondhand smoke provides for deviant behavior in the late childhood

It is already known that babies exposed to smoke have a higher risk of infections and in the urine of children living with smokers, high levels of carcinogens have been observed in the urine.

If "third-hand" smoke is already harmful to health, what will be of that breathed smoke. The risks of passive smoking for children are many.

That is why we must ensure that the home with babies and children does not smoke, since Passive exposure to smoke causes diseases and can affect neurological development. Enclosed places that have been exposed to smoke and those where there are smokers are not appropriate or healthy environments for children, even when this relationship between passive smokers and aggressiveness is not fully demonstrated.

Video: Why Narcissism is the "Secondhand Smoke" of Mental Health (July 2024).