Every day more than 500 children drowned in the world die, can anything be done to prevent it?

I am very surprised by the figures offered in this video of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). They sadden me too. Because I discover that Every day in the world, more than 500 children die drowned.

In Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, drowning is one of the most important causes of death of children over one year of age, and most children who drown are only two years old. Many of these children drown within twenty meters of their home, because there are reservoirs, mangroves or wells without protection, because they do not go to school and play in the water without supervision ...

Unicef ​​assures that at present there are investigations that show that, for a very low cost, very effective solutions to this are achieved serious problem of child drowning.

UNICEF asks what can be done in the face of this tragedy: offer more information to society and the authorities, raise the issue to them, and see the faces behind the tragedy. We do the latter thanks to this video that I have found necessary to spread.

Because if most child drownings in the world are preventableWhy is nothing done to prevent these deaths? Why does the death of hundreds of these thousands of children not appear on the political agenda?

Video: Poverty: Moral Dilemma - Why You Might NOT Save A Child From Drowning - Learn Liberty (July 2024).