Highlights in Babies and more: from December 10 to 16

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more last week.

In our Special Pregnancy Care we have talked about how to avoid stress in pregnancy, one of the main keys to achieve a healthy and happy pregnancy.

On the other hand, Christmas is coming and in the blog we have filled the pages with Christmas content. We have given gift ideas to make to children of all ages: for babies from 0 to 12 months, for children from 1 to 2 years, for children from 2 to 3 years and for children from 3 to 6 years .

We have given Christmas advice like all children are good and the prawn war, but we have also talked about gifts and a motive that moves many parents, to give our children for Christmas all that we could not have.

Nor has our usual content been missing. As for the delivery, we have commented that it is better to dilate at home, and about infant feeding than the water to prepare the bottle you have to boil it yes or yes.

We have presented the ten recommended books of 2012 about motherhood and pregnancy, and we have also told you a beautiful story about a father who cannot be at the birth of his son because he is in Afghanistan.

For our part, in our Happy Learning Space Fisher Price, we have learned the numbers by playing and we have helped the Magi to choose the best toys from 12 to 15 months

Video: WTF MOMENTS DECEMBER BabyHsu Stream Highlights (July 2024).