The hopeful story of a mother who went through breast cancer while pregnant

Sometimes life puts us very difficult tests to overcome, and what we bring today is one of those hard stories in which hope makes its way over difficulties. It's the story of Maria Crider, a woman who at 27, in October last year, a lump was found in the chest, nine months after the birth of his first son Liam.

An ultrasound and then a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis: stage III breast cancer. But that was not all. At the same time, he learned that he was pregnant 11 weeks of his third son, Logan.

The best and worst news

There is no prettier news than knowing that you are waiting for a baby, but when you receive news as hard as the diagnosis of cancer, joy is eclipsed.

Doctors told them it was safe to start their cancer treatment during the second and third trimesters of their pregnancy, and followed their recommendations. But still, the fear that it could affect the baby filled her with uncertainty.

This is how she lived her pregnancy: very scared, but without losing hope. He underwent surgeries, 16 chemotherapy treatments and 28 radiation sessions while waiting for the arrival of his baby.

"I was able to deal with pain, nausea, exhaustion and the general feeling of misery, but Logan's anxiety for the well-being and my prognosis was the worst feeling."

While she was being treated, a friend tagged Maria in a Facebook post announcing a raffle for a birth photography session with professional photographer Bonnie Hussey.

The mother decided to participate in the raffle, so she sent a message to Bonnie telling her story and was chosen for the beautiful photo session that you can see below.

Bonnie Hussey photo " Bonnie Hussey photo " Bonnie Hussey photo "

Logan was born last April and his arrival was very emotional for everything they had experienced during pregnancy. What they most wanted was hug him and check that he was born healthy and that the treatment had not affected him.

"I cried so hard when he was born. I was relieved that he was perfect, just as he should be."

Breastfeeding with only one breast

As you can see in the photos, Maria her left breast has been removed, but she was determined to breastfeed her baby and she does it with only one breast. When this happens, the chest adapts to the baby's requirements regulating its production to replace the breast that is not.

Logan is now seven months old and has begun to crawl all over the house. He grows up healthy and happy in the company of his two older brothers Tristan, five, and Liam, two.

For its part, the mother has finished with her chemotherapy and radiation treatments and In the coming months he will undergo breast reconstruction surgery. He confesses that his family gives him strength: "My advice to anyone who is going through this is to build their support system: spouse, family, friends. I love my tribe!"

Photos | Bonnie Hussey (Reproduced with permission)
Via | Today
In Babies and more | A woman received chemotherapy to beat breast cancer while she was pregnant. A mother of five children decides to postpone cancer treatment to save the life of the baby she expects

Video: Arizona Mom Recalls Battling Breast Cancer While Pregnant (July 2024).