How should the school cafeteria menu be?

There are still many children who must stay to eat at school, but we always have the doubt that what is offered to them is the best possible formula. How should the school menu be?

The school menus A nutritionist must do them and parents can dispose of them so that the rest of the daily meals complement it. So far, all simple. However, not everything is far from clear and there are some points to improve and others in which a change of concept would be more positive to achieve good nutrition and proper food education.

The model menu

The ideal menu should be one that covers 30 to 30% of children's energy needs, including fruits and vegetables, offering (in theory) protein foods of animal origin on a daily basis, that the fat is healthy and does not contribute more than 35% of energy and avoid sugar, fried foods and excess salt, considering that it is better to season everything in the kitchen.

So far we could say that it seems appropriate, however, despite fearing situations of protein malnutrition in families with serious economic problems, the daily inclusion of animal proteins could be questioned, especially if they are included in all dishes and in excess.

Are school menus adequate?

Strategies are established to achieve healthier school menus because, from time to time, experts point out that their quality should be improved and that they should be more balanced.

There is no doubt that the school menu and the house should be complemented, but in addition to that, it would be convenient to thoroughly review what products are offered to children and what are the preparations.

Frequent errors in school menus

Vegetables, cooked and fresh, should be present in all dishes of the school menu, but not in a testimonial way, but in abundant and attractive preparations.

It is not enough to put a transparent slice of tomato, a little dried cucumber and a leaf of lettuce, soft and soft, next to the battered fish (we will talk about the right fish and their preparations). A salad should be rich, appetizing, well prepared and containing all kinds of vegetables.

Also the vegetable should be widely present in the first dishes, be they legumes, pasta or rice, and in the variety that the dish admits. A paella with five peas is not worth it, it must have a good stir-fry and varied and rich vegetables, because if they are leathery or soft, children will not eat them either.

Legumes are a rich source of hydrates, proteins and minerals. And they admit many different preparations, so they could be included daily, supplemented with other foods.

Another thing that is scarce in school menus They are whole grains, basic for a balanced supply of fiber and minerals. Actually it would be much better if bread and cereals from the school menu were integral to the vast majority of the dishes.

The most frequent mistakes of school menus they are the repetition of dishes, the excess of fried foods, saturated fats, sweets, precooked foods (croquettes, empanadillas), the breaded ones.

The imbalance that supposes a very high percentage of animal proteins and the shortage of vegetables would be something to value, because, in a certain way, if we analyze what meat of the precooked products, the breaded ones or what is added to the legumes perhaps more Well, we find a theoretical excess, although the lack of fresh vegetables is surely unquestionable.

Proposals to improve the school menu

Considering the problems of obesity and the lack of fresh foods in the normal diet in many houses, and the excess of proteins that are usually found in the children's diet, a proposal would be to make primarily ovo-vegetarian-school menus in which meat and fish were not the basis nutritional and, when they appear, avoid blue fish with a greater amount of heavy metals, panga and fatty meats, prioritizing preparations without added fats.

Another idea would be to improve school menus is that children participate much more actively in the choice of food, its preparation and its service, although that may clash with the regulations despite being an element of education and fundamental enjoyment.

Something that I think should be considered as an objective is to improve the quality of products and preparations, include all possible whole and organic foods and offer children and parents greater possibilities of choice, that is, to respect as much as possible the beliefs and decisions of parents (including vegetarianism) and allow the menu to include several dishes to choose from each day, exactly the same as in university or business canteens.

Made this review to how the school menu should be I invite you to share with us your experiences and opinions.

Video: What's for lunch? A surprising school cafeteria menu (July 2024).