How to make your car trips more fun?

The weekend comes again and some of you may take the opportunity to do some car break with your family. It is also possible that you are preparing your bags for the holidays that you will enjoy in the second half of July.

To be sure that we have everything planned, we must also think about our children, that the trip is the most pleasant for themThat is why a few days ago we were already talking about car travel planning with children. And of course it is necessary to also think about entertaining activities so that they do not get bored too tied in their chairs.

If when we were children we could move as we please through the back seat of the car and look out the rear window to identify the province of origin of the other vehicles. Now and considering the consequences of a traffic accident we do very well keeping our children in their safety seats, but it is a position that does not offer many incentives. It's time to load the MP3, check the portable DVD player, and maybe even download a new game for our Smartphone, so in a critical moment we can leave it to the kids. But the parents We can do much more for them: use our ingenuity and propose some games:

  • 'Had I told you that ...?'With the almost unlimited access we have to information, we can previously document about curiosities, data, legends, fantastic stories, linked to the populations we pass through. And tell them later to the children.

  • 'Simon says… ', a classic in which everyone should imitate the driver (the driver can participate in moderation because guiding the car to its destination is a very big responsibility, and more when carrying something as precious as the lives of the kids). In turn, the role of director will be shared so that everyone assumes. 'Simon says that we all stick out the tongue and touch the nose with the tip', it means that others must follow the slogan; 'getting a head massage' means that others will not do what is requested, because 'Simon has not asked for it'. It is a fun game with guaranteed laughs.

  • 'Weather!', it is time to count other cars that are green, or of the SEAT brand, or convertibles, or that carry three people inside. Each participant decides on which his count will be based and when he has managed to count 20 vehicles with those characteristics he will say aloud time! It is an observation activity that will allow the family to have a good time entertaining.

  • In some of our trips I have previously prepared a small notebook where I had written down riddles, after five years they usually like to try to guess the riddles.

  • 'Where are we going today?', the dad might like to watch a movie in the cinema, that the big boy would like to go to the supermarket to buy the snack, that the mother opts for an exhibition or that one of the little ones prefers a magic performance. And the grandmother? Surely she chooses a bath on the beach.

When everyone has exposed their ideal destiny, they are voted the favorite by all, and when we are clear, we will all represent 'what we would do' or 'how we would behave' in that place. It is a mimicry game that awakens the imagination.

  • 'What does it suggest?', that we think when we hear the word 'sea', what comes to mind when someone pronounces 'cream'. Everyone has their opinion and if for a parent 'school' can be synonymous with education, for children it sure is boring. Do you cheer up?

These are my proposals to make the trip with children more fun, what are the activities that you do in the car with your children?

Good trip and better stay.

Video: ROAD TRIP ESSENTIALS! (July 2024).